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Active Message Threads for May 2017

A training school is to be held at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, Corsica, October 2- 6, 2017 Earthquakes: nucleation, triggering, rupture, and relationship with aseismic processes Please go here for more information: https://earthquakes2.sciencesconf.org/ This message was sent on behalf of Greg Beroza.
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Thomas Lecocq
2017-05-08 17:48:46
*Pre-IAVCEI 2017 MSNoise workshop* We are pleased to announce a *2-day MSNoise workshop* on*Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 August 2017*, the weekend before IAVCEI 2017 in Portland! The aim of this workshop is to demonstrate the powers and limitations of using ambient seismic noise for seismo-volcanological studies using continuous data, for example using ambient seismic noise cross-correlation for computing dv/v, surface wave tomography or microseismic activity tracking. The MSNoise package … [more]
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Can you please forward this to the listserve? Thanks, -Derek ----- The Earth System Petrology group in the Department of Geoscience at Aarhus University is again offering its two-week intensive Ph.D. course in Deep Earth Systems (Forging links between petrology and geophysics) from 2 - 13 October, 2017. This Ph.D. course is designed for strengthening students' background in thermodynamics, phase equilibria, heat and mass transfer, continuum mechanics, elasticity and viscoelastic theory, … [more]
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