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Active Message Threads for June 2018

*Dear Colleagues: * DEEP-2018: International Symposium on DEEP Earth Exploration and Practices will be held in Beijing, China from 24-26 October this year. The detailed information about the meeting, online registration, abstract submission, and financial support can be found at http://deep.sinoprobe.org/ We would in particular like to draw your attention to the session “Emerging techniques for deep earth exploration". This session welcome contributions from studying the interior of the earth … [more]
Larry Brown
2018-06-23 21:00:59
An International Symposium on Deep Earth Exploration and Practices (DEEP-2018) will be held in Beijing, China, on October 24-26, 2018. DEEP-2018 is intended to serve as a platform where participants can exchange ideas on progress in the deep exploration of the lithosphere, to better understand deep processes in the earth, and to expand new knowledge into practical applications. In addition, this will be an opportunity to discuss and promote future international collaboration on deep exploratio… [more]
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