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Active Message Threads for September 2018

Dear Colleagues, We warmly invite you to attend a British Geophysical Association sponsored meeting on ‘The Future of Passive Seismic Acquisition’ to be held at the Royal Society of Edinburgh on November 12-13, 2018. Early-bird registration deadline: 15th October Abstract submission deadline: 12th October The last 20-30 years has seen significant developments in the deployment and analysis of passive seismic data. This ranges from microseismic monitoring on faults, volcanoes or for e… [more]
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Kimberly Demarest
2018-09-17 13:39:59
Dear Friends, We've had a few people ask about an Earthworm course around the time of AGU. If there's enough interest, we will consider running it as a 3-day intensive course, so we're asking the list here... ANY INTEREST? If so, please reply via our contact form on isti.com by 1 November 2018. http://www.isti.com/contact/contact-us/ We’ll cover - Earthworm refresher: A quick lesson on the EW basics in case people have forgotten how the core architecture works and the ba… [more]
Dear Colleague, the 2018 ORFEUS Annual Observatory Meeting and Workshop will be held in Athens, Greece, on 12-14 November 2018. Please register by September 30th at the latest: https://www.orfeus-eu.org/other/workshops/orfeus-annual-2018/ The workshop will focus on Strong-Motion Seismology and Engineering Seismology. Core thematic areas are: T1 - Coordination and knowledge transfer among Euro-Mediterranean networks and observatories; T2 - ORFEUS / EPOS strong-motion serv… [more]
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For the first time we are organizing a SeisComP3 short course just before the AGU Fall Meeting 2018 in Washington DC. The course will be held by experienced staff from gempa - the development and service company for SeisComP3. You can directly learn from the developers! Get all details and updates on fees and registration on our website: https://gempa.de/events/2018/12/6/seiscomp3-short-course-agu-2018/ This is a short course summarizing the most important topics from our popular cours… [more]
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