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Active Message Threads for January 2020

Catherine Rychert
2020-01-23 21:37:10
Dear colleagues, The LAB workshop 2020 highlighting studies of the lithosphere-astheosphere boundary will be held May 11-12 2020, at the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France, just after EGU. Please see lab2020.weebly.com<http://lab2020.weebly.com> for more details about abstract submission and registration. The abstract deadline has been extended to 27 January. It’s Paris in the springtime, what could be better? Please spread the word, and submit an abstract. Sincerely… [more]
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Dear SeisComP users and everyone interested, We are again announcing the Advanced Training for SeisComP with a strong focus on local earthquake monitoring. This Advanced Course is perfect for experienced SeisComP users who wish to advance their SeisComP experience beyond standard application and increase the productivity of SeisComP systems for monitoring of local earthquakes. We are guaranteeing an intensive hands-on training - a strict limit of a maximum of 8 persons is applied. … [more]
Dear SeisComP users and everyone interested, We are again announcing our Basic Training for the OpenSource SeisComP - the popular software for automatic and interactive earthquake analysis in real time. This Beginner Course is perfect for new SeisComP users who wish to get quickly started with a productive SeisComP system. We are guaranteeing an intensive hands-on training - a strict limit of a maximum of 8 persons is applied. Participants may bring their own datasets for training. Promo… [more]
IV Assembly of the Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission in Quito - Ecuador Submission Process and Proposal Format: Proposals will be examined in terms of their quality and impact by the scientific committee. Submit online your proposal with care taken to include: (1) Title of the session, (2) Convener team (2 – 4 members; names, affiliation and email), (3) Session description of your session to http://www.lacsc2020.com/session-proposal/session-proposal-form. Proposals will … [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the session S-IT27: Oceanic lithosphere and asthenosphere at the JpGU-AGU joint meeting 2020 and hope that you will consider sumbitting an abstract to this session. The oceanic lithosphere/asthenosphere system (LAS) is one of the most fundamental features of plate tectonics. In recent years, the elucidation of the oceanic lithosphere/asthenosphere system has become one of the hot topics in solid earth science. New data from the ocean f… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, I’d like to draw your attentions to an ambient noise imaging session of “Multiscale seismic imaging of lithosphere structures using ambient noise tomography” in the 2020 AOGS meeting, which will take place on 28 Jun to 4 Jul 2020 in Sono Belle Vivaldi Park, Hongcheon, Republic of Korea. The deadline for abstract submission is January 21, 2020. You can find the information about the meeting and the link for abstract submission following the link http://www.asiaoceania.… [more]
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Dear colleagues We are very pleased to announce that the IV Assembly of the Latin American and Caribbean Seismological Commission (LACSC) will be held in Quito from the 3rd to 5th of August 2020. Seismicity is an important issue for a region that has been severely affected by earthquakes in which around 20 events with magnitudes greater than 7.8 were generated in the last century. Pre-conference courses (e.g. CTBTO seismic and infrasound data, Seiscomp3, etc) will be offered. This confe… [more]
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Dear all, We would like to draw your attention to the session S-SS04 "Strong Ground Motion and Earthquake Disaster" at the JpGU-AGU 2020 Joint Meeting in Chiba, Japan, from May 24 to 28, 2020. Abstract Submission is now open on the meeting website: http://www.jpgu.org/meeting_e2020/ The deadline is 5:00 PM Japan Standard Time (UTC+9) on February 18, 2020. All AGU members are eligible to receive a member registration rates. To attend the meeting, you must register your AGU account wi… [more]
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Gregor Hillers
2020-01-08 10:52:51
Dear colleagues, please consider attending the 2020 ACUUS (Associated research Centers for the Urban Underground Space) conference in Helsinki, Sept 16-17! Seismo-/Geo-relevant topics include Geothermal Energy / Hazardous Waste Disposal / Sustainability and Environment / Underground Infrastructure. Abstract deadline is Feb 10 2020. *www.acuus2020.org* <http://email.ril.fi/go/24651070-2221363-174339866> Cordially, -Gregor Hillers Jos viesti ei näy oikein, voit lukea sen myös verkossa… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the following session at the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 17th Annual Meeting (AOGS, June 28-July 4, 2020) in South Korea (http://www.asiaoceania.org/aogs2020/public.asp?page=home.html). The abstract submission deadline is Jan. 21, 2020. ------------ SE19: Interdisciplinary Investigations of Seismic Anisotropy Beneath Asia Oceania Region Seismic anisotropy is a common feature of the Earth's interior, ranging from the upper crust to th… [more]
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We invite graduate students to participate in the upcoming eighth annual Seismology Student Workshop to be held *March 19th-20th, 2020* at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, New York. The *application deadline is January 10, 2020*. This workshop is completely student-run and organized with the aim of bringing together graduate students who conduct research in seismology and earthquake-related fields. [*This* *workshop* *is only open to graduate* *students, so we encourage adviso… [more]
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