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Active Message Threads for March 2020

Kimberly Demarest
2020-03-26 16:05:05
Dear Friends, Please see the announcement from Stefan below about an important change to our Earthworm course that we believe may be more convenient for students at this time. Hi All - We are thinking this year instead of having an Earthworm course in New York State which historically runs one week (4 1/2 full days) -- having an online Earthworm course in June for two weeks which would be 9 half-days. This would allow students to attend to other work the other half of the day, and not be si… [more]
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--- Apologies for cross-posting --- Dear Colleague, We hope this message finds you in good health. As a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, many conferences and meetings have been postponed or cancelled. Since the 37th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, scheduled for 6-11 September 2020, on Corfu, Greece, is more than five months in the future, preparations are still going on according to plan. However, for everyone's convenience at this uncertain time, the *a… [more]
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Dear Colleagues: Our apologies for cross-postings. The NSF Dear Colleague Letter <https://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2020/nsf20037/nsf20037.jsp>: Competition of Operations and Management of an NSF-supported Geophysical Facility to Succeed the GAGE and SAGE Facilities requests written responses for a community vision of the future Geophysical Facility by June 1st. A virtual workshop is being held April 23-24 between 1-5 pm ET each day to bring together Early Career Investigators (ECIs) invested in th… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, On behalf of conveners Helge Gonnermann (Rice Univ.) and Kyle Anderson (USGS), we invite you to apply for the MCS RCN's Volcanic Systems Modeling Workshop, to take place at Portland State University from July 16-19, 2020. Full details can be found on our website: https://www.sz4dmcs.org/volcano-workshop. The workshop will focus on the subsurface aspects of volcanic systems: trans-crustal magma transport, magma storage, and magma ascent towards eruption. We invite participatio… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, the 37th General Assembly (GA) of the European Seismological Commission (ESC) will take place in Corfu (Greece) on 6-11 September 2020. Please consider contributing to the following session: "The cycle of observational seismology from waveform data collection to scientific products" https://www.erasmus.gr/UsersFiles/microsite1193/Documents/SESSIONS_ABSTRACTS4.pdf that welcomes contributions from the broad domain of observational seismology, including works desc… [more]
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