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Active Message Threads for September 2020

Hi All - We've still got some seats in this course, and newsflash: we have guest lecturer Anthony Lomax joining us on a couple of the days to describe NonLinLoc locator configuration and tuning. NonLinLoc allows using 3D velocity models. Here's the original blurb: At the request of some students in different time zones, ISTI is offering an online English language SeisComP course in September. 12:30pm to 5pm Eastern Daylight time (with 1/2hr break mid-course). Students have already sign… [more]
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Dear Sir/Madam, Greetings from CSIR-North East Institute of Science & Technology (NEIST) Jorhat, Assam, India. Due to several physical communication constraints brought about by the CoVID-19 pandemic situation, the practice of disseminating knowledge and ideas through webinar, a live interactive event where attendees join via their desktop or mobile device over the internet, have significantly proliferated. While research activities, including research exchange and collaborations, during th… [more]
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