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Active Message Threads for December 2021

Envisioning the Future of Geophysics A Celebration of the Centennial of the Seismological Laboratory March 24-25, 2022, Pasadena, California This symposium aims to provide a glimpse into the future of geophysics by bringing together traditionally disparate research communities. It will explore new concepts and technologies that are poised to transform how geophysics informs our understanding of Earth processes. The symposium will be held in person on the campus of the California Institut… [more]
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Dear SeisComP community, I hereby again announce our very popular Beginner Training for SeisComP dating 21 - 24 March, 2022. This Beginner Course is perfect for new SeisComP users who wish to get quickly started with a productive SeisComP system. You get to learn about SeisComP from us - the main developers of this wide-spread OpenSource software package for real-time earthquake monitoring. Read all topics on our website: https://www.gempa.de/events/2022/03/basic-training/ In this re… [more]
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Dear SeisComP community, I hereby announce our next intensive Advanced Training for SeisComP in Potsdam, Germany, dating 04 - 07 April, 2022. The training will have a strong focus on monitoring local seismicity using scanloc and other dedicated gempa modules . For the first time we will add a new topic: Real-time import of event parameters from external FDSN Web servers based on our QuakeLink . This Advanced Course is perfect for experienced SeisComP users who wish to advance their Sei… [more]
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