
Announcements of upcoming webinars.

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Active Message Threads for February 2021

Please join us on *Thursday, February 25th at 12:00 PM Eastern* for... *Distributed Acoustic Sensing in the Cryosphere* *Presented by: Dr. Fabian Walter, ETH Zurich* *Register:* https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uH_EjiH9SdG9QyuRXeubMA *Abstract: *Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) dramatically increases seismic sensor coverage, turning kilometer-long fiber optic cables into thousands of seismic sensors. DAS and similar approaches image seismic sources in densely populated cities as well a… [more]
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Dear Colleagues, Please consider registering for these two (2) upcoming events: 1) Webinar: Thursday March 25, 2021: 3-4:30 ET Register: here<https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_RALpWOwjSJmuMypnQZnT9A>. (space may be limited) Focus: White Paper authors will give brief overviews (<2 minutes each) of their papers<https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JCobykVV78dfpIqRy2dCtipWKxO0nCQB>, followed by an hour-long discussion for all authors. Prior to webinar: Short pre-recorded pre… [more]
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Please join us on *Thursday, February 25th at 12:00 PM Eastern* for... *Distributed Acoustic Sensing in the CryospherePresented by: Dr. Fabian Walter, ETH Zurich* *Register: *https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_uH_EjiH9SdG9QyuRXeubMA *Abstract:* Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) dramatically increases seismic sensor coverage, turning kilometer-long fiber optic cables into thousands of seismic sensors. DAS and similar approaches image seismic sources in densely populated cities as well as … [more]
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D. Sarah Stamps
2021-02-04 21:44:25
Dear Colleagues, BALTO <https://sites.google.com/vt.edu/balto> is an EarthCube funded project that provides tools for improved access to geoscience datasets through brokering. We are providing a workshop to train new users on how to use the following BALTO tools: 1) BALTO ASPECT URL Reader, February 16, 2021 8 am - 12:00 pm PST 2) BALTO Hyrax Extension, February 17, 2021 8 am - 12:00 pm PST 3) BALTO Jupyter Notebook, February 18, 2021 8 am - 12:00 pm PST If you are interested, please fi… [more]
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The next Alaska EarthScope and Beyond seminar will be Mon February 8 3-4 pm eastern time. The talk with be: Alaska Earthquakes in the EarthScope Era Thorne Lay, UC Santa Cruz Carl Tape, University of Alaska Fairbanks Thorne will be discussing subduction earthquakes, and Carl will cover the others. There have been a lot of interesting earthquakes in Alaska recently, so you can expect some great material! The registration link for the webinar is given below: https://msu.zoom.us/webina… [more]
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