[webservices] missing responses for station SSE network IC

Bruce Weertman bruce at iris.washington.edu
Tue Jul 12 15:31:56 PDT 2011


First off, as indicated (poorly I'm sure) at the bottom of the webpage:


If no time option is given, the current time is used. There for, for  
these channels, that closed out a while back,
no response information is going to be returned (404) if you do not  
specify a time.

An easy way to get around this is to cast a wide time range.
Here's a couple queries that get at all of the information that you're  
trying to get at


Looking at these, and MDA, I can see that there's some sort of epoch  
problem with the meta data that we're holding.

MDA indicates two epochs (time spans):


1996/09/19 - 1997/01/08
1997/01/08 - 1999/07/08

HOWEVER, only one of these (1996/09/19 - 1997/01/08) seems to be  

Looking deeper, at our database...

    I see at the channel level (the "channel" table)
    the two epochs shown above (I assume that's where MDA is looking),


    at the chanresp level (the "chanresp" table), only the first epoch  
is there.

This would indicate a problem with the metadata since the two table  
should normally match epoch wise.

So, in summary, I think you found a hole!

Sorry about that. I'm not sure who or what needs to address this - I  
don't deal this myself.

There are several people out of the office this week, so it will  
probably be next week at
best before we can get a solid answer to your problem.



Bruce R Weertman
Software Engineer
1408 NE 45h St, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98105

bruce at iris.washington.edu
(206) 547-0393
On Jul 12, 2011, at 1:48 PM, Dodge, Douglas A. wrote:

> There appears to be problems accessing responses for at least some  
> of the channels of station SSE, network IC
> The URLs below all fail.
> http://www.iris.edu/ws/resp/query?net=IC&sta=SSE&loc=--&cha=HHE
> http://www.iris.edu/ws/resp/query?net=IC&sta=SSE&loc=--&cha=HHN
> http://www.iris.edu/ws/resp/query?net=IC&sta=SSE&loc=--&cha=HHZ
> http://www.iris.edu/ws/resp/query?net=IC&sta=SSE&loc=--&cha=SHE
> http://www.iris.edu/ws/resp/query?net=IC&sta=SSE&loc=--&cha=SHN
> http://www.iris.edu/ws/resp/query?net=IC&sta=SSE&loc=--&cha=SHZ
> By comparison, the MDA show those channels to exist, but responses  
> cannot be accessed from there either.
> The following URLs bring up a web page, but clicking on the “View  
> RESP” link produces a page not found.
> http://www.iris.edu/mda/IC/SSE/--/SHE
> http://www.iris.edu/mda/IC/SSE/--/SHN
> http://www.iris.edu/mda/IC/SSE/--/SHZ
> http://www.iris.edu/mda/IC/SSE/--/HHE
> http://www.iris.edu/mda/IC/SSE/--/HHN
> http://www.iris.edu/mda/IC/SSE/--/HHZ
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