[webservices] ws_station network identifier

John D. West john.d.west at asu.edu
Tue Jun 14 17:04:49 PDT 2011

That was what I assumed from the output of the web service. The question is:
can a start date or end date EVER change? If an incorrect date is entered
and then later corrected, I end up with overlapping networks because network
code + start date + end date combine to form the unique identifier.

     -- John

On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Chad Trabant <chad at iris.washington.edu>wrote:

> Hello.
> In general, networks, like stations and channels, have the notion of a
> start time and an end time.  For permanent networks there are normally not
> breaks in the continuity.  For temporary networks there are often blocks of
> years allocated for specific experiments, for example XY 2005-2006, XY
> 2007-2009 and XY 2010-2010.  We would not consider those temporary networks
> to be modifications of an existing network, but instead to be logically
> different networks.  Essentially the network code combined with the start
> and end time uniquely identifies a "network", when the dates change and the
> network code is recycled it should be considered a new network.  Not sure I
> understood your question, did that help at all?
> Chad
> On Jun 14, 2011, at 2:00 PM, John D. West wrote:
> > Hello.
> >
> > I'm using the station webservice in EMERALD to maintain a local cache of
> network, station, and component metadata. In the Network level, reuse of
> network codes makes it difficult to differentiate between new and modified
> networks, e.g., if a network EndDate changes, my system registers it as a
> new usage of the network code instead of modification of an existing
> network.
> >
> > Is there some unique identifier for each network which can be included in
> the web service?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> >      -- John
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