[webservices] Beta release of ws-station, please test

Anthony Lomax alomax at free.fr
Mon Nov 14 23:45:57 PST 2011

Hi Chad,

I tried the beta ws-station service as we use it in Early-est 
It works fine, but all I am extracting is station lat/lon/elev.




On 2011/11/14 22:28, Chad Trabant wrote:
> Hello WS users,
> The DMC is pleased to announce a *BETA* release of our ws-station 
> service available here: http://www.iris.edu/wsbeta/station/
> If you have written scripts or programs that access this service 
> please test this beta release, feedback is very appreciated.
> Unless issues are identified or a request is made to lengthen the beta 
> period we plan to promote this version of the service to production 
> (replacing the current version) on *November 17th (3 days from now)*. 
>  Normally we will have longer beta evaluation periods, due to the 
> relative impact of interface changes versus issues addressed we would 
> like to fast track this release into production.
> This release will not effect users of the DMC's Fetch family of scripts.
> For those that have written code against the service please note the 
> following changes:
> - Service messages and errors are returned in a DMC standard format of 
> type "text/plain", previously error messages were returned in a custom 
> XML structure.
> - The <SelectedNumberStations> and <SelectedNumberChannels> elements 
> are now placed correctly in the document, this should not effect 
> parsing but the documents should now validate against the schema.
> - The Query parameter shortcut "chan" is deprecated. Please use query 
> parameter "cha" or "channel" instead to specify channel codes(s).
> - Empty elements (when value is null) are not included, e.g. no empty 
> <Gain> elements.
> - All <Station> elements will be contained within <Network> elements.
> - Fixed the output of duplicate <Station> and <StationEpoch> elements.
> - Fixed a bug affecting virtual networks where incorrect stations were 
> returned.
> - More validation of query parameters.
> - Returned document contains reference to specific schema version.
> This list of changes is documented here:
> http://www.iris.edu/wsbeta/doc/station_revisions.htm
> regards,
> IRIS DMC web services team
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*Anthony Lomax*

*161 Allée du Micocoulier, 06370 Mouans-Sartoux, France*

*tel: +33 (0)4 93 75 25 02     e-mail:****alomax at free.fr* 
<mailto:alomax at free.fr>***web:****http://www.alomax.net* 

*ALomax Scientific****http://www.alomax.net/alss***

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