[webservices] Regional network reviewed event catalogs as a web-service?

Rob Newman rlnewman at ucsd.edu
Mon Jan 23 12:21:26 PST 2012

Are there any plans for building an IRIS web-service for providing *reviewed* regional network event catalogs?

(I would rather not use the current SeismiQuery system in place - http://www.iris.edu/SeismiQuery/sq-events.htm)

I am trying to efficiently collect all the regional event catalogs and do a comparison with the USArray catalog. Seeing as IRIS already has the data in one format, is it not trivial to put a web-services wrapper around the catalog data and allow it to be query-able via URLs?

Thanks in advance,
- Rob Newman

Rob Newman Ph.D.
Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
Scripps Institution of Oceanography
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, CA 92093-0225, USA

[t] +1 858 822-1333     [e] rlnewman at ucsd.edu
[f] +1 858 534-6354     [w] http://eqinfo.ucsd.edu/~rnewman
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