[webservices] dataselect wrong data returned to multithreaded client
Philip Crotwell
crotwell at seis.sc.edu
Fri Jul 20 14:32:46 PDT 2012
Following up on the follow up. I believe this was a client side bug in
my seisFile library. Should be fixed now and I have put out a new
version (1.5.2) here:
Thanks to all at IRIS for helping track this down.
On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 1:18 PM, Chad Trabant <chad at iris.washington.edu> wrote:
> For the record: This conversation drifted off-list, currently other areas are being investigated to explain the observations.
> After code review and testing there is no indication that dataselect returned wrong data to the client. Obviously we're keenly interested to know if anyone else observes this in the future.
> Chad
> On Jul 19, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Philip Crotwell wrote:
>> Hi
>> I don't think I can tell if it was a collision or not. All I know is
>> that one request in one thread got data for a different station. It is
>> true that another thread on my end asked for data from that other
>> station at a similar time, but I am not sure if it was actually
>> coincidental or not. Because I was doing a test using many threads on
>> my end (and hence many http connections), I assumed that it was caused
>> by that, but I actually don't know. Given I can't seem to reproduce
>> it, I am not sure what to say.
>> I am leaving the "is the answer from the same station as the request"
>> check in my code, so hopefully I will notice if it happens again.
>> Debugging stuff that you can't reproduce is somewhere between really,
>> really hard and impossible!
>> thanks,
>> Philip
>> On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 1:53 PM, Bruce Weertman
>> <bruce at iris.washington.edu> wrote:
>>> Philip:
>>> Just to get back to you - and everybody else on the list.
>>> Are you saying is thread-1 and thread-2 are each making requests, but
>>> thread-1 gets the data that thread-2 made.
>>> Or something along that line?
>>> Possibilities:
>>> (1) Collision of token values. Token is generated from the request via a
>>> standard hashing algorithm.
>>> (2) In the java servlet one request gets confused with another request. This
>>> could happen if there was a mistake
>>> where the wrong scope was used for variables. For example improperly using
>>> variables from the servlet instance and not off
>>> of the stack or accidentally using a global (ie static) variable. Code
>>> review looks OK. But that's just code review.
>>> (3) Some sort of weird networking issue related to reusing http
>>> connections??
>>> I wrote a script to scan the cache (had 34,000 items in it) looking for a
>>> mis-match between the data and the requests,
>>> but I didn't find any. A necessary but not sufficient test of the cache
>>> working properly.
>>> Are you saying that you saw these requests collide
>>> http://www.iris.edu/ws/dataselect/query?net=II&sta=BORG&loc=00&cha=BHZ&start=2009-05-16T01:08:44&end=2009-05-16T01:26:26
>>> http://www.iris.edu/ws/dataselect/query?net=II&sta=ARU&loc=00&cha=BHZ&start=2009-05-16T01:08:44&end=2009-05-16T01:26:26
>>> I don't see that:
>>> geodude:tmp bruce$ wget -O aru.dat
>>> "http://www.iris.edu/ws/dataselect/query?net=II&sta=ARU&loc=00&cha=BHZ&start=2009-05-16T01:08:44&end=2009-05-16T01:26:26"
>>> --2012-07-19 10:19:45--
>>> http://www.iris.edu/ws/dataselect/query?net=II&sta=ARU&loc=00&cha=BHZ&start=2009-05-16T01:08:44&end=2009-05-16T01:26:26
>>> Resolving www.iris.edu...
>>> Connecting to www.iris.edu||:80... connected.
>>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>>> Length: 28672 (28K) [application/vnd.fdsn.mseed]
>>> Saving to: `aru.dat'
>>> 100%[==================================================================================================================================================================>]
>>> 28,672 --.-K/s in 0.002s
>>> 2012-07-19 10:19:45 (11.3 MB/s) - `aru.dat' saved [28672/28672]
>>> geodude:tmp bruce$ msi aru.dat
>>> II_ARU_00_BHZ, 000001, M, 4096, 2894 samples, 19.99993515 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:08:44.015300
>>> II_ARU_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 3104 samples, 19.99993515 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:11:08.715900
>>> II_ARU_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 3446 samples, 19.99993515 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:13:43.916400
>>> II_ARU_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 3520 samples, 19.99993515 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:16:36.217000
>>> II_ARU_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 3712 samples, 19.99993515 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:19:32.217500
>>> II_ARU_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 3712 samples, 19.99993515 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:22:37.818100
>>> II_ARU_00_BHZ, 000001, M, 4096, 852 samples, 19.99993515 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:25:43.418700
>>> geodude:tmp bruce$ wget -O borg.dat
>>> "http://www.iris.edu/ws/dataselect/query?net=II&sta=BORG&loc=00&cha=BHZ&start=2009-05-16T01:08:44&end=2009-05-16T01:26:26"
>>> --2012-07-19 10:18:51--
>>> http://www.iris.edu/ws/dataselect/query?net=II&sta=BORG&loc=00&cha=BHZ&start=2009-05-16T01:08:44&end=2009-05-16T01:26:26
>>> Resolving www.iris.edu...
>>> Connecting to www.iris.edu||:80... connected.
>>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>>> Length: 45056 (44K) [application/vnd.fdsn.mseed]
>>> Saving to: `borg.dat'
>>> 100%[==================================================================================================================================================================>]
>>> 45,056 --.-K/s in 0.004s
>>> geodude:tmp bruce$ msi borg.dat
>>> II_BORG_00_BHZ, 000001, M, 4096, 762 samples, 20 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:08:44.049900
>>> II_BORG_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 2204 samples, 20 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:09:22.149900
>>> II_BORG_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 2120 samples, 20 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:11:12.349900
>>> II_BORG_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 2024 samples, 20 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:12:58.349900
>>> II_BORG_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 2170 samples, 20 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:14:39.549900
>>> II_BORG_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 2122 samples, 20 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:16:28.049900
>>> II_BORG_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 2100 samples, 20 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:18:14.149900
>>> II_BORG_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 2142 samples, 20 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:19:59.149900
>>> II_BORG_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 2172 samples, 20 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:21:46.249900
>>> II_BORG_00_BHZ, 000000, M, 4096, 2138 samples, 20 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:23:34.849900
>>> II_BORG_00_BHZ, 000001, M, 4096, 1286 samples, 20 Hz,
>>> 2009,136,01:25:21.749900
>>> Any more information would be appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -Bruce
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> On 2012/07/16 22:29, Philip Crotwell wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I have been doing some tests with the dataselect web service from a
>>> multithreaded client (SOD) and found that occasionally I would get
>>> data records back in one thread that were not the channel asked for.
>>> Luckily I had a check in place from some earlier issues that compared
>>> the channel codes in the request with those in the result. Here is an
>>> example. It appears that the thread that requested data from BORG got
>>> data from ARU.
>>> 2012-07-16 15:51:26,794 - Channel id in returned seismogram doesn not
>>> match channelid in request.
>>> req=II.1986-01-01T00:00:00.000GMT.BORG.00.BHZ.2003-08-29T00:00:00.000GMT
>>> seis=II.1986-01-01T00:00:00.000GMT.ARU.00.BHZ.2003-08-29T00:00:00.000GMT
>>> The request, if it helps, was
>>> net=II&sta=BORG&loc=00&cha=BHZ&start=2009-05-16T01:08:44&end=2009-05-16T01:26:26
>>> This is a bit scary as I suspect many clients do not check the
>>> returned data to make sure it actually corresponds to their original
>>> request. I have not seen this with a single threaded client, so
>>> perhaps that is a clue.
>>> I will try to do some more testing and see if I can provide any more
>>> details.
>>> thanks,
>>> Philip
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>>> Bruce R Weertman
>>> Software Engineer
>>> 1408 NE 45h St, Suite 201
>>> Seattle, WA 98105
>>> bruce at iris.washington.edu
>>> (206) 547-0393
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