[webservices] SeisGramWeb: browser-based seismogram viewer using IRIS ws-timeseries

Robert Casey rob at iris.washington.edu
Tue Jan 22 09:14:20 PST 2013

	Hi Anthony-

	Thanks for the update, I see that your updated app is at the same URL  
as your sample trace example below.  I was able to figure out how to  
do the two-tap zoom.  Looks great!  Where do you think you'll take  
things from here?


On Jan 21, 2013, at 9:17 AM, Anthony Lomax wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have recently updated the SeisGramWeb, browser-based seismogram  
> viewer:
> The viewer javascript code is now developed using Google Web Toolkit  
> (https://developers.google.com/web-toolkit/).  The use of GWT gives  
> easier development of more sophisticated code, graphics and user  
> interfaces, explicit support for different platforms and  
> devices, ...   GWT should make much easier and robust future  
> additions such are plotting time-series from raw SAC or other data  
> files, complex interaction with the time-series and more processing  
> options.
> Making use of the GWT features, I have added mouse-based, trace  
> zooming: click on the trace image at two successive points in time  
> to define a zoom window.
> See below for general information and links.
> Any comments are always appreciated,
> Best regards,
> Anthony
> On 2012/03/06 15:35, Anthony Lomax wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> As an experiment in interactive viewing of seismograms on web- 
>> enabled, mobile devices, I have developed a simple tool,  
>> SeisGramWeb, to view trace data using ws-timeseries.  SeisGramWeb  
>> uses only simple and basic HTML and Javascript, relying on ws- 
>> timeseries for the heavy  work of trace processing and plotting,  
>> and the layout of SeisGramWeb is designed for both large      and  
>> small screens.
>> (Note also that at the current time, Java is not available on  
>> devices such as iPhone, iPod and iPad...)
>> SeisGramWeb can be launched from the Early-est, Event/Pick List  
>> page at http://early-est.alomax.net/warning_list.html (invoked by  
>> the "BRB" and "HF" links in the "stream" column).  This is part of  
>> the INGV, Early-est real-time system (http://early-est.alomax.net).
>> Here is a direct link to a sample trace: http://alomax.free.fr/webtools/sgweb.html?http://www.iris.edu/ws/timeseries/query 
>> ?net=GT&sta=CPUP&loc=00&cha=BHZ&start=2012-03-05T07:45:35&dur=257
>> I would be interested in any feedback about how this approach works  
>> on different devices, or any other comments about this tool or  
>> working with mobile devices.
>> Thanks very much,
>> Anthony
> -- 
> Sent from my iClayTablet
>    Anthony Lomax
>    161 Allée du Micocoulier, 06370 Mouans-Sartoux, France
>    tel: +33 (0)4 93 75 25 02    e-mail: anthony at alomax.net    web: http://www.alomax.net
>    Science & Special Topics: http://www.alomax.net/science
>    ALomax Scientific: http://www.alomax.net/alss

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