[webservices] MUSTANGBETA Questions/Comments

Lion Krischer krischer at geophysik.uni-muenchen.de
Wed Apr 23 03:05:49 PDT 2014

Dear all,

I am trying out the MUSTANG Beta web service. Great job!

Apologies if this is not the right place to post this.

I have an issue with the value constraints. It is possible to use, e.g. "value_lt=3” and it will select those measurements with a value of less then 3. The problem arises when querying multiple metrics at once. In that case the constraints are applied to all metrics simultaneously and it does not appear to be possible to restrict it only to one metric. 

The following toy query illustrates the problem:


A way out of this would be to prefix the value constraints with the name of the metric, e.g. “max_stalta_value_lt=20”. Then it would be possible to build up fairly complex queries which I imagine being very useful.

Geographical queries would be another nice-to-have feature, e.g. use latitude/longitude bounds instead of/in addition to the currently available SNCLQ filters. Then it would be possible to query for all channels in a certain region that satisfy a list of requirements and directly feed the result to the dataselect FDSN service.

All the best!


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