[webservices] New web service announcement

Chad Trabant chad at iris.washington.edu
Sat Sep 27 08:25:45 PDT 2014

Hi Branden,

A notification service is a good idea and something we have discussed internally.  For email this would require a subscription system where users register and select changes and channels to watch, probably a web UI.  We might get to this yet depending on resources and demand.  An alternative for folks maintaining long running systems (or anyone actually) would be to poll the new service for changes that you care about and fetch the StationXML when a change is detected, pretty straight forward.  Even better, maybe the first person to write that script would be willing to share it.


On Sep 26, 2014, at 6:59 PM, Branden Christensen <branden.christensen at osop.com.pa> wrote:

> Hi Robert:
> Buenas noches.
> Great new tool! For those of us in the community who manage and maintain automated real-time processing systems like SeisComP, it would also be great if we could subscribe to networks, stations and channels to receive emails when the metadata changed. Even better if the new dataless or xml files were attached to those emails.
> Have a great weekend.
> Saludos,
> Branden
> OSOP, Panama
> www.OSOP.com.pa
> --
> On Sep 26, 2014 5:44 PM, "Robert Weekly" <rtweekly at iris.washington.edu> wrote:
> Hello web service users,
> The DMC is pleased to announce the release of a new web service called metadatachange (ver 1.0.2):
> http://service.iris.edu/irisws/metadatachange/1/
> The DMC has been tracking important changes to metadata received as SEED since January 2014.  The purpose of this service is to search for and return entries in this accumulating set of changes.  There are many uses for this information, such as checking for critical changes in metadata (after the initial download) before publishing results.
> Some examples of the types of changes that can be queried for include the geographic location of channels, sensor orientation, sensor type, and instrument response.  A complete list of the searchable metadata as well as example queries can be found on the main service page, at the link above.  Results are returned as XML.
> A URL Builder (http://service.iris.edu/irisws/metadatachange/docs/1/builder/) is available help explore the service and data set.
> We welcome feedback, questions, etc.
> Sincerely,
> The Web Services Team
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