Create Customized GMVs

• Customized GMV Queue Status:
• GMV Description:
• How to Customize GMVs:
• A MATLAB script to create customized GMVs:
     (please read the installation instructions in this README file before downloading)
     script bundle (updated 2012-01-12: ~25 MB), test movie (~20 MB)
• USArray GMVs:

 If you use the customized GMVs in publications please cite:

Trabant, C., A. R. Hutko, M. Bahavar, R. Karstens, T. Ahern and R. Aster (2012), Data products at the IRIS DMC: stepping-stones for research and other application, Seismological Research Letters, 83(6), 846:854. doi: 10.1785/0220120032

Use the form below or download the above MATLAB script to create a customized Ground Motion Visualization (GMV) based on your own parameters (for more information see the How to Customize GMVs link above). Upon submission of this form, a GMV ID will be provided that you could use to retrieve your customized GMV or its status from the Customized GMV Queue page. The time required to process a GMV request will depend on its position in the queue and its size (number of stations included and number of frames in the movie). The processing time could range from 10 minutes to over an hour. To receive an automated notification when your GMV request has been processed, provide your email when submitting the form. Customized GMVs will be deleted after 7 days.

Interactive Map: move the map markers to set the corresponding latitude/longitude values of the form to the left.


    Title (50 characters maximum)

Event (optional)
Note: you could use the marker on the map to set the event location. Event information will be used to mark the predicted seismic arrival times for a zero-depth event.
Define an Event
Location latitude -80° to 80° longitude -180° to 180° 
Date-Time UTC (YYYY-MM-DDTHH24:MI:SS) Pick a date
 Display the great circle path from event to view port on GMV
Note: you could use the & markers on the map to set the view port corners
Lower-Left Corner (L) latitude
(-80° to 80°)
(-180° to 180°)
Upper-Right Corner (U) latitude
(-80° to 80°)
(-180° to 180°)
Maximum visualization dimension (maximum 800 px)    
Magnification Higher trace magnification highlights weaker arrivals at the expense of saturating colors for the stronger arrivals. The default value of 10 is suitable for most events. For close events, a magnification factor of 5 or less would place less emphasis on unwanted near-source arrivals.
Visualization Time Window
Note: travel times are calculated for the path along the great circle from the event to the center of the view port
 the time window based on the above event and parameters to the right (event location and time are required to enable this option) start seconds
end seconds  
Start Date-Time UTC
  Pick a date
End Date-Time UTC
  Pick a date
Compose video frames every   seconds  (Note: this time must be less than or qual to the sampling interval of the selected channel below)
Note: The network & location codes can be specified using wildcards
Network or virtual network code(s)  (comma separated, def. USArray)  
Location ID(s)  (comma separated, def. all)  
Channel code  
Filters (optional)
Low-pass filter (Hz)  Note: proper sampling of the seismic wavefield is the key for generating good GMVs. Coherence of seismic waves decreases as frequency increases and as distance between stations increases. For large earthquakes filter pass-band of 0.001 to 0.01 Hz and for smaller earthquakes filter pass-band of 0.004 to 0.02 Hz often work well.
High-pass filter (Hz)
Email me when my GMV request is processed email