New Networks at the DMC
This section of the newsletter deals with relevant new data arriving to the DMC. A reminder for anyone wanting to know what data is currently arriving to the IRIS DMC in realtime, there is a web page created expressly for you at
This virtual network is kept current by constantly scanning the contents of the Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) realtime data archive, and it enables quick maps and views of which stations are in realtime operation.
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center- Thailand
Seismic data that plays an important role in the ADPC data center Early Warning System began archiving at the IRIS DMC in July 2009. The earliest data available is May 21, 2009. For more information about data availability along with other metadata information (equipment in operation) about the 4 stations currently archiving at the IRIS DMC, please refer to
For more information about the ADPC Early Warning System (EWS), please refer to
Note: This network was renamed to the “Regional Integrated Multi Hazard Early Warning System” in 2012 (Metadata Aggregator | Network Map)
Nicaraguan Seismic Network
Beginning in July, 2009, broadband data from the Minagua, Nicaragua seismic station that is operated by the Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Territoriales (INETER) began archiving at the IRIS DMC. For information about data availability and equipment in operation there, refer to
For information about INETER, refer to
El Salvador- Servicio Nacionales de Estudios Territoriales (SNET)
Beginning in July 2009, broadband data from the seismic station SNET, located in the city of San Salvador, began archiving. For more information, refer to
For more information about the SNET network refer to
South Carolina Seismic Network
Beginning in July 2009, data from the broadband seismic station JSC- Jenkinsville, South Carolina began archiving at the IRIS DMC. The first data available is April 13, 2009. For more information about this site, refer to
For more information about the South Carolina Seismic Network, refer to
Dominican Republic Seismic Network
The broadband seismic station located in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, began archiving data at the IRIS DMC in May 2009. For more information about this site refer to
For more information about the station operators at Instituto Sismologico Universatario, refer to
Northeastern Brazil UFRN
Data from the NB network began archiving in June 2009, and currently contains data from 5 stations. For more information about the stations, refer to The data is being managed along with the data from the University of Sao Paulo operating under the BL network code, and the help and oversight has been extremely helpful.
by Rick Benson (IRIS Data Management Center)