Data Services Newsletter

Volume 12 : No 2 : Fall 2010

JEvalResp and JPlotResp v1.6

Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc. released versions 1.6 of the two Java applications, JEvalResp and JPlotResp, which they have developed under contract to IRIS.

You can get to the installers through the following links:


JEvalResp is a Java version of the ‘evalresp’ program and, like the original, it is designed to evaluate the response information from ASCIIRESP” files generated by rdseed (V4.16 and above). JEvalResp is also capable of fetching and processing responses from DHI servers. The program searches for one or more responses that match a user-specified station (or set of stations), channel (or set of channels), network and date/time value. The output of the responses is then calculated for a user-specified set of frequencies, resulting in a list of amplitude/phase or complex-spectra values (written to output files).

JEvalResp v1.6 changes


  • Added “use-estimated-delay” alias for “use-delay” parameter.
  • Modified to apply delay correction to asymmetrical FIR filters (using estimated delay if ‘use-estimated-delay’ is given, otherwise using correction-applied value).
  • Modified text-listing output to show “FIR_ASYM”, “FIR_SYM1” and “FIR_SYM2” (instead of just “FIR”).
  • Modified computation of calculated delay so it ignores stages with no coefficients.
  • Added parameters for unwrapping phase values (’-unwrap’) and for using stage 0 (total) sensitivity in response calculations (’-ts’).
  • Added response-output (’-r’) type “fap”.
  • Added verbose-output note for ‘-ts’ parameter in use and warnings for stage correction-applied and estimated-delay values being negative.
  • Fixed processing of ‘-stage’ parameter when single stage value is given.
  • Modified verbose output to display only start/stop stages selected via ‘-stage’ parameter.
  • Modified output-file headers to show response-sensitivity frequency and A0 normalization factor from first stage.

JEvalResp Manual


JPlotResp is a graphically-oriented Java program for processing and plotting the response information from ASCIIRESP” files generated by rdseed (V4.16 and above) or by web page at JPlotResp is also capable of fetching and processing responses from DHI servers. The program searches for one or more responses that match a user-specified station (or set of stations), channel (or set of channels), network and date/time value. The output of the responses is then calculated for a user-specified set of frequencies, resulting in a list of amplitude/phase values that may be written to files or plotted. Lists of complex-spectra values may also be written to output files.

JPlotResp v1.6 changes


  • Added “Unwrap Phase” and “Use Total Sensit” checkbox items; added “fAmplitude/Phase” item to “Output-File Type” combo box.
  • Fixed so if only “Start Stage” value given then only single stage is processed.
  • Renamed “Use Delay” checkbox to “Use Est Delay” and updated description.
  • Modified to show response-sensitivity frequency and A0 normalization factor from first stage in text under plot.
  • Added display of sensitivity-frequency line (and “Show Freq Line” checkbox).

JPlotResp Manual

by Tim Knight (IRIS Data Management Center)

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