Data Services Newsletter

Volume 13 : No 1 : Spring 2011

Station Web Service

Notice: All web services are now provided via the new services interface at
As much as possible the content of this article has been updated to reflect the new locations
IRIS DMC Webmaster, 2013-08-08


As one of the DMC’s core web services ws-station provides access to station metadata in the DMC database. The results are returned in XML format using the StationXML schema, created by SCEDC and now maintained in collaboration with NCEDC, IRIS and USGS NEIC.

Users can query for station metadata by network, station, channel, location, time and other search criteria and request results at three different levels of detail:

  • net – return information about networks, but leave out details on stations, channels and instrument response.
  • sta – (default) return information about networks and stations, without details on channels and instrument response.
  • chan – return information about networks, stations and channels, without instrument response.
  • resp – return information about networks, stations and channels, including instrument response.

While the ws-station service is designed to be a programmatic interface, e.g. accessed by other software, its usage is relatively straightforward and easy to understand. A few web service clients written in the Perl language are available and serve as examples that can be extended for specific use, they are also useful without modification.

For more information on other web services please visit:


Read more


This work is funded by the NSF (Award # EAR-0552316) and the USGS (Award # G10AC00533).

by Yazan Suleiman (IRIS Data Management Center) and Chad Trabant (IRIS DMC)

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