Data Services Newsletter

Volume 17 : No 2 : Winter 2015

New Data at the DMC

July 2015 – October 2015

See also Data Statistics.

On this page:


Network Start Year End Year Name Category Restricted
KY 1984 2500 Kentucky Seismic and Strong Motion Network REGIONAL N
3C 2014 2014 Arizona Rapid Array Array Mobilization Program PASSCAL N
ZI 2014 2014 A community seismic experiment targeting the pre-syn, post-rift evolution of the Mid-Atlantic US PASSCAL N
YY 2003 2004 Mariana Subdction Factory Experiment OBSIP N
YM 2013 2015 Physical controls on ocean-terminating glacier variability in central west greenland PASSCAL Y
ZA 2014 2019 Wellington, Kansas CO2 Sequestration Monitoring PASSCAL Y
8F 2014 2015 Hikurangi Ocean Bottom OBSIP Y
YH 2014 2015 Hikurangi Ocean Bottom Investigation of Tremor and Slow Slip OBSIP Y
2G 2010 2015 Testing of the effectiveness of incorporating seismic data in seismic hazard assessment within a tra PASSCAL N
YY 2000 2001 NCISP1 OTHER Y
ZQ 2001 2003 NCISP2 OTHER Y
X2 2005 2006 NCISP4 OTHER Y
XZ 2015 2015 Measuring ambient noise of ocean breakers PASSCAL P
QC 2008 2500 Quake-Catcher Network FDSN N
ZX 2003 2004 NCISP3 OTHER Y
Z8 2006 2008 NCISP5 OTHER Y
RC 2001 2500 BYU-Idaho Network REGIONAL N

Assembled Data

Report Number Start Year Endyear Nickname Name Type Restricted Notes
13-012 2012 2012 HRIII Humble Redwood III PASSCAL Y Start: 5/1/12 End: 8/30/12 Data will be restricted. Release date: 8/23/15
14-023 2014 2014 SUGAR Crustal Imaging of the South Georgia Basin and Suwannee Suture PASSCAL Y Start date: 3/1/14 End date: 3/30/14 Data to be restricted. Release: 3/30/16
15-016 2015 2015 ENAMCSE Collaborative research: A community seismic experiment targeting the pre-, syn- and post-rift evolut PASSCAL N No restriction Network code for PH5 ZI
15-017 2007 2007 HigleyBasinTests Source and Instrumentation tests in preparation for East African High Resolution Data Acquisition PASSCAL N Not restricted. Start date: 10/30/07 End date: 11/15/07
15-018 2015 2015 GeoGirls GeoGirls outreach experiment at Mount St. Helens PASSCAL N
15-019 2011 2011 ClimaxAnisotropy Climax Stock Nine-Component Seismic Anisotropy Study PASSCAL N No restriction Data distributed in 1 tar file which includes report
15-020 1995 1996 SRL95 South Reelfoot Lake reflection profiles USGS N No restriction. Start date: 5/18/95 End date: 9/19/96
15-025 1996 1997 Commerce Commerce Geophysical Lineament USGS N No restriction

by Gale Cox (IRIS Data Management Center)

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