Data Services Newsletter

Volume 21 : No 3 : Winter 2019

FDSN Availability Web Service

In June 2019, the Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN) adopted a web service specification, called fdsnws-availability, for accessing time series data availability information.

FDSN availability service implementations at IRIS

IRIS Data Services (DS) has announced the release of two new services implementing the FDSN availability web service specification.

  • The fdsnws-availability service reports the availability of time series data in the IRIS DS primary miniSEED archive based on channel identifier information and time range.

  • The ph5ws-availability service provides the same functionality as the fdsnws-availability service for the PH5 archive of active and passive source experiments. Many of the PH5 experiments consists of large-N arrays that are not typically archived as miniSEED.

Deprecation of irisws-availability service

On March 3rd of 2020 the irisws-availability service will be officially taken offline in favor of the FDSN availability web service implementation. Users of the irisws-availability service are asked to begin updating any dependent software to utilize the new services.

There are small differences between the IRIS and FDSN availability service implementations, but their behavior remains largely the same. These include changes to the headers of the text output, certain query parameters, and the removal of the sync output format.

by Nick Falco (IRIS DMC)

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