New Data: Summer 2021
This article highlights the availability of new sensor data from networks that have submitted data to IRIS Data Services during the summer of 2021 (April-August). Note that the actual data from these may not have been collected during 2021, just that they became available for the first time during this quarter.
7D (2018-2021): Lake-induced earthquakes in Lake Erie (LEEP (Lake Erie Earthquake exPeriment))
8L (2019): Mt. Meager Geothermal Nodal Array
9K (2019-2020): Durres, Albania earthquake aftershock campaign
C8: Canadian Seismic Research Network
NT: USGS Geomagnetism Program
OC: Observatorio Sismológico CIGEOBIO CONICET
OQ: Oklahoma Structural and Site Effects Network
RI: National Seismic Network of Argentina
X1 (2020): MUSE – Myanmar Universities Nodal Seismic Experiments
XE (2018-2019): Pacific Array – Haxby
XE (2020-2022): “High Resolution Imaging of the Pedernales Earthquake Rupture Zone – Nodes”
XK (2021-2026): “Geisel Library- UCSD”
YH (2021-2023): “Defining the Source of the 1886 Earthquake”
YU (2019-2024): “Cornell University Earth Source Heat seismic network”
YW (2021-2025): “Muswellbrook Australia”
ZL (2020-2021): “Soil Soundscapes from Seismic Arrays”