Data Services Newsletter

Volume 6 : No 2 : June 2004

New Data at the DMC

This is a new section of our newsletter. We will be reporting the arrival (by quarter) of new data. That is, data from temporary or permanent networks that we have not received data from before.

New data arriving 1st quarter of 2004

Temporary network XG
Eastern Turkey Seismic Experiment
start year 1999
end year 2001
category PASSCAL
description We deployed 29 BB seismic stations in late October, early Nov. 1999. This exp. was designed to image the crust and upper mantle beneath a young continent continent collision zone. We designed the array to target 2 separate regions which apparently were undergoing distinctly different types of deformation. Overall the exp. was successful in collecting app. 700 Gb of data in a region which previously had not been explored using modern seimologic techniques.
results We have found that the crustal structure in the western portion of our array is fundamentally different than the eastern portion. This is consistent with Geodectic results in the region. We have also found that the seismic anisotropy is unexpectedly homogenous through eastern Anatolia. We have also found further evidence that the uppermost mantle is extremely slow as compared with other regions in the world (7.s km/s) possilbly indicating wide spread partial melt in the upper mantle
problems We had numerous problems with both REFTEK DASs and disks. Disks especially had difficulties during hot weather. we had a number DASs (3) create bad time stamps and then never recover. We had a few minor problems with GPS clocks.
publications Full report and list of publications can be found at
restricted? N
Temporary network XE
Namche Barwa Tibet
start year 2003
end year 2004
category PASSCAL
description 70 station array in southeastern Tibet to look at lithosphereic structure and fault kinematics
notes XC 2002 was the pilot experiment for this project
restricted? Y
Temporary network XV
Southberg, Antarctica
start year 2003
end year 2006
category PASSCAL
description Instrumentation of nascent icebergs in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
restricted? Y
Temporary network YF
Yellowstone RAMP
start year 2003
end year 2003
category PASSCAL
description 5 PASSCAL RAMP seismographs and 2 University of Utah seismographs where deployed in the Norris Geyser Basin in an effort to record seismic energy that might be related to recent increased ground surface temperature.
problems We had some problems with a DAS
publications Seismic and GPS Monitoring of the 2003 Norris Geyser Basin Hydrothermal Disturbance, Yellowstone National Park, AGU Fall Meeting, 2003, Jamie Farrell et al.
restricted? N
Temporary network XO
nickname MARIANA
start year 2003
end year 2004
category PASSCAL
description The Mariana project will be a large-scale multidisciplinary endeavor to image the Mariana subduction zone. It will utilize multi-channel seismic reflection to image shallow geological features, controlled-source wide-angle reflection/refraction to constrain crustal structure, and passive broaband land and ocean bottom seismographs (OBS) to image the upper mantle. Washington University will focus on the passive aspect of the project, which consists of an 18-month land deployment of 20 stations and a 12-month deployment of 70 OBSs. We hope to obtain high resolution 3D tomography of the region. Other questions that will be pursued include anisotropy, mantle flow, deep earthquakes, and the seismogenic zone depth.
restricted? Y
Permanent network CH
Switzerland Seismological Network
start year 2001
category FDSN
Permanent network NR
NARS Array
start year 2002
category ARRAY
Permanent network SP
South Carolina Earth Physics Project
start year 2001
category ARRAY

For more information about requesting this data, please view the Requesting and Using IRIS Data page.

by Rick Benson (IRIS Data Management Center)

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