Data Services Newsletter

Volume 7 : No 4 : December 2005

PQL II Released

The PASSCAL Instrument Center is pleased to announce the first release of PQL II.

PQL, the original PASSCAL Quick Look seismic trace viewer application, has been thoroughly modernized and enhanced and is now available for download (binaries and/or source) for LINUX, Macintosh, and Solaris platforms.

Graphical enhancements include:modern interface based on GTK+; multiple data display options; Split Screen Mode providing simultaneous display of TRACE, MAGNIFY and SPECTRA views; all fully user-configurable.

Functional enhancements include:Auto-Detection of Trace File Formats AH, SEGY, SAC, and mini-SEED; dedicated Header Information Display; enhanced Picking Functionality; full Sorting Capabilities; HIGH- and LOW-PASS Filter Application; PostScript Printing to File and/or Printer; GAP & OVERLAP Detection; Trace Overlay Mode; and more.

Further information (README, INSTALL files) and downloads are available via FTP from:

by Rob Casey (IRIS Data Management Center)

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