Data Services Newsletter

Volume 8 : No 1 : March 2006

Supergravimeter data now archiving at IRIS

The IRIS DMC announces the arrival of new data that should excite (pun intended) observational normal mode seismologists. These are supergravimeter data made available to us by Michel Van Camp of the Royal Observatory of Belgium, and became available in real-time in October of 2005. The collaboration is the first between a member of the Global Geodynamics Project (GGP) and the IRIS DMC. The network code assigned to these data is SG, and the site name is MEM, for Membach, Belgium. The collaboration to receive other SG data has been put forth to the GGP community.

These data are competitive with the best spring gravimeters and seismometers, and for modes below 0.6mHz, these have produced spectra with some of the highest signal-to-noise ratios so far. (R. Widmer-Schnidrig, What can Superconducting Gravimeters contribute to normal mode seismology, 2003) In addition, the superb calibration factors in both phase (0.01s) and amplitude (0.1%) that are available from these instruments make these excellent research data for the normal mode seismic community.

The MEM station data are collected using a Q330 datalogger and arrive to the IRIS DMC in miniSEED, so you can access these either through the real-time BUD filesystem or through the traditional request mechanisms from the archive.

by Rick Benson (IRIS Data Management Center)

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