Data Services Newsletter

Volume 8 : No 3 : September 2006

New Networks at the DMC

Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) Seismic Data

Seismic data are now being routinely archived from the PBO program of EarthScope under the network code PB. Currently, there are 15 stations recording co-located seismics that are operated in conjunction with strain sensor data that were previously reported. For detailed station information and a Google map interface, refer to

Network PB
Figure 1: Network PB

New San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Data

Data began flowing routinely this summer from the main hole and pilot hole and to the USGS in Menlo Park, and are migrating to both the NCEDC and the DMC, who will jointly manage these data. The DMC intends to get 200Hz real-time data from the NCEDC who will be managing the reformatting and QC related to converting these from SEG2 to miniSEED format. In addition, the NCEDC will ship 4kHz miniSEED data to the DMC when the processing algorithms are implemented this fall. The main difference between holdings the NCEDC will have vs. what the DMC will have is the DMC will be the perpetual archive for the high sample rate (4kHz) data, while the NCEDC will have roughly 2 months available.

Network _SAFOD
Figure 2: Virtual network SAFOD

Global Position System Displacement Measurements

Data from 23 one-Hz GPS instruments were submitted to the DMC in SAC format, where the conversion to miniSEED was performed, and the metadata created, for data that was recorded shortly after the Denali, AK earthquake in November of 2002. Because it is hoped and expected that more data will follow from other similar studies, the FDSN network code GD was assigned all GPS displacement data. These are interesting data because they document near-field deformation from events that can be quite far away. For particular information about these 2002 data, including station coordinates, refer to These data are interesting and document quite a bit of displacement related to this large earthquake. Dr. Kristine Larson made the data available, and one report on their study can be read at

Network GD
Figure 3: Network GD

Mexican National Seismic Network

The first data from one station within the FDSN network MX has arrived in event-windowed SEGY format to the DMC, and converted miniSEED and SEED metadata is now available. Data are not flowing in real-time, and are not expected to be upgraded for this capability in the near future, but will be submitted by Juan M. Gomez as often as he can. This is early in the exchange process, so very little data is currently available. For station information, refer to We are hopeful that this collaboration will enlarge and opens doors for other Mexican stations.

Network MX
Figure 4: Network MX

USGS Caribbean Network

Data from the new Caribbean Network, with FDSN network code CU, began arriving in Sept 2006 from two stations, and will eventually grow to 9 sites. These sites record both strong motion and broadband data, and are transferred using LISS. For more information about these, refer to These stations are being deployed by the USGS to improve tsunami warnings in the Atlantic and Caribbean region.

Network CU
Figure 5: Network CU

Mailing lists: data-issues mailing list replaces the data-problems listserv

A new mailing list named “data-issues” has been setup at IRIS as a forum for researchers to exchange information, questions, and observations about data received from the DMC. This mailing list replaces the old “data-problems” listserv at the IRIS DMC. To see the collection of prior postings to the mailing list, visit the data-issues archives.

Using data-issues

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by Rick Benson (IRIS Data Management Center)

04:24:10 v.af9cd46b