[webservices] New Fetch client scripts and documentation released

Chad Trabant chad at iris.washington.edu
Wed Jul 20 06:02:53 PDT 2011

Hello web service users,

New versions of the DMC's web service Fetch scripts have been released and are available here:


The FetchBulkData script has been made more robust by breaking large requests into groups and restarting the download of a group when the connection has been interrupted.  These features combined allow FetchBulkData to better handle very large data requests and to recover automatically from network connectivity problems or service interruptions.

The web page now also includes client usage documentation with examples of usage and description of key features. 

Each script has improved documentation, minor fixes and improved reporting that will help the DMC and users of these scripts diagnose problems.

Users of these scripts are encouraged to keep their copy up to date.

web services team

On Apr 20, 2011, at 4:30 PM, Chad Trabant wrote:

> Hello webservice users,
> The DMC has updated it's ws-bulkdataselect service: http://www.iris.edu/ws/bulkdataselect/
> The new version adds two optional query parameters:
> minimumlength
>    Enforce minimum segment length (seconds).
>    Only time-series segments of this length or longer will be returned.
> longestonly
>    If specified, only the longest continuous segment for each channel is
>    returned.
> These new parameters can be used to reduce or avoid receiving data containing gaps.
> The command line FetchBulkData client script that uses this service to request data has been updated with options to specify these new parameters, the latest client scripts are available here:
> http://www.iris.edu/ws/wsclients/
> Usage details: like the quality parameter, the two new parameters may be specified in the main selection list or separately as post parameters.
> For example, this selection will return only the longest data, that is at least one day (86400 seconds) long:
> minimumlength 86400.0
> longestonly
> TA A25A -- BHZ 2010-084T00:00:00 2010-091T00:00:00
> TA A25A -- BHE 2010-084T00:00:00 2010-091T00:00:00
> regards
> Web services team.

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