[webservices] How to name a beta web service on the same system as a production service

Bruce Weertman bruce at iris.washington.edu
Thu Dec 5 14:51:50 PST 2013


On tomcat startup there should be a system property set like 

…. -DwssConfigDir=/mypath/confdir

The wss will then look in there for service config files.

So if your service was deployed to

The WSS would look for:


When you do ps -eaf and look at the java process you should see something like " -DwssConfigDir=/mypath/confdir “ in there.
That’s how the wss figures out where to look.

You can’t run both beta and production together unless you name the services like

production /fdsn/dataselect/1 
beta /fdsn/dataselectbeta/1

and then have config files like


But I don’t think you want to do that!
You want it to look like



So that requires at least two tomcats.

If you need to help setting up a bunch of tomcats, feel free to ask. I’ve got a nice way of doing it.


On Dec 5, 2013, at 2:32 PM, Doug Neuhauser <doug at seismo.berkeley.edu> wrote:

> In the web page:
> https://seiscode.iris.washington.edu/projects/webserviceshell/wiki/Requirements_and_Recommendations
> it provides recommendations on how to run a BETA service.
> --------------------------------------
> URL recommendations
> URLs for production FDSN services should follow this format:
> http://YourDomain/fdsnws/...
> URLs for BETA FDSN services, if available, are recommended to follow this format:
> http://YourDomain/fdsnwsbeta/...
> Where '...' denotes the individual services (should they exist) that are supported at your data center, e.g. station, event, dataselect
> --------------------------------------
> However, using the IRIS Web Server Shell (wss), it appears that the
> for 2 web service services named "foo" with version "1", eg:
> 	fdsnws/foo/1/
> and 	fdsnwsbeta/foo/1/
> the wss would use the SAME configuration files in tomcat's wss-config dir,
> since the config files names include on the service name and version,
> but NOT the domain (fdsnws vs fdsnwsbeta):
> 	foo-1-log4j.properties
> 	foo-1-param.cfg
> 	foo-1-service.cfg
> We tried changing the version from 1 to beta1, but wss appears to be
> unhappy with this.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> - Doug N
> -- 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Doug Neuhauser                  University of California, Berkeley
> doug at seismo.berkeley.edu        Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
> Office: 510-642-0931            215 McCone Hall # 4760
> Fax:    510-643-5811            Berkeley, CA  94720-4760
> Remote: 530-752-5615 (Wed,Fri)
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Bruce R Weertman
Software Engineer
1408 NE 45h St, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98105

bruce at iris.washington.edu
(206) 547-0393

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