Data Services Newsletter

Volume 9 : No 1 : March 2007

SAC v101.0 Release

Announcing the release of SAC v101.0, available for download through the IRIS DMC. A large number of updates have been provided since the 100.1 release. SAC is available for use on Mac OSX/PPC, Mac OSX/Intel, Solaris and Linux computers.

SAC (Seismic Analysis Code) is a general purpose interactive program designed for the study of sequential signals, especially timeseries data. Emphasis has been placed on analysis tools used by research seismologists in the detailed study of seismic events. Analysis capabilities include general arithmetic operations, Fourier transforms, three spectral estimation techniques, IIR and FIR filtering, signal stacking, decimation, interpolation, correlation, and seismic phase picking. SAC also contains an extensive graphics capability.

SAC Software has been distributed to over 700 scientists and programmers by the IRIS DMC since 2005.

New License Agreement (as of October 1, 2006)

In addition to IRIS Members and Affiliates, IRIS may also distribute the SAC Software to collaborators such as the U.S. Geological Survey, Air Force Technical Applications Center, members of the International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks and other non-U.S. seismological institutes (subject to export control) who are involved in relevant research projects with IRIS. The SAC Software is available free through IRIS.

Request a copy of the SAC Software

To request a copy of the SAC Software for Mac (OSX/PPC or OSX/Intel), Solaris or Linux, please fill out the SAC Software Request Form.


	* Supported Platforms: Solaris, Linux (32 bit), and Mac OS X 
	  (both OSX/PPC and OSX/i686).  On OSX/i686, a build does not
	  work using gcc 3.  On OSX/PPC, builds are successful with either
	  gcc 3 and gcc 4 for OS 10.4 and gcc 3 for 10.3.  A successful build
	  is reported on OS 10.2, but builds on 10.4 will not run on 10.2.
	  Builds on Solaris 2.9 will work on 2.8.  On Linux, successful 
	  builds on either gcc 3 or gcc 4.  Sac is not supported on 64-bit
	  architectures, but successful builds on 64-bit machines are 
	  reported using the -m32 flag with gcc plus other modifications.
	* Added ~/utils with sources and makefile for sacswap, saclst,
	  and sgftops.  Executables are included in ~/bin.
	* Major Bug Fixed for all SACIO Library routines.
          Use of library with Fortran and/or C now sane 
	* Major Bug Fix: Writehdr Different Endian Bug
		Use Database
		   If environment variable is undefined or set to 1
	           % setenv SAC_USE_DATABASE 1
		Do Not Use Database
		  If environment variable is set to 0
	           % setenv SAC_USE_DATABASE 0
		 Show Copyright
		    If environment variable is undefined
		Do Not Show Copyright
		   If environment variable is defined
	           % setenv SAC_DISPLAY_COPYRIGHT 1
	* YLimit Bug fixed
	* Minor Bug Fixes: Compilation Bugs and Warnings, bugs in sgftops
	  and sgftoeps.csh
	* To Do:
	   – Build and Testing
	      ./configure system
	      Universal Builds on OS X
	      Testing suite

– Known Bugs Files that begin with a long integer Line termination while parsing files No error output on “ch o gmt” truncation, better error reporting r pha*? multiple times gives segmentation fault Missing SAC> when run in a script Error should in in stderr not stdout “WARNING: Number 4003 integer too large” ‘lh inclusive non-existent-header’ causes a to segfault wsac0 does not update all header variables SGF files written with one byte order cannot be read on systems using the opposite byte order “do .. wild” loop bombs if total number of characters for filenames too large – Plotting Bugs Plotpk cross-hairs Time shrinks on plots with lots of records Reformat Plotting Window – General Code Cleanups Merge files that overlap, better merge code remove code repetition, hdr.h, extfuncs.h, and SacHeader.h Use of common blocks, global variables rolllback command does not work – Additional Functionality Scalability, 1000 files, more, no limit ? write with a format e.g. “write %kzdate.%kztime.%kstnm.knetwk. kcmpnm.sac” get/set functionality includes initialization file and setting “set lh.columns 2”

More information

by Tim Knight (IRIS Data Management Center)

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