Special Event: Hawaii

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The May 4, 2018, Mw 6.9 earthquake in Hawaii

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Event parameters (from USGS)

These are preliminary results and are subject to change without notice. Please check the USGS page for the latest official information.

Magnitude 6.9
UTC Time Friday May 4, 2018 at 22:32:55 UTC
Location 19.370°N 155.032°W
Depth 5.0 km
Region Hawaii
Distance 16km SW of Leilani Estates, Hawaii
Details USGS Executive summary page

USGS Executive summary page
3D model of the Kilauea Volcano’s summit lava lake
Webcams, Kīlauea Volcano, Summit
Tilt and GPS Deformation Data
Volcano Monitoring Data at Kīlauea
Volcano Watch
Berkeley Seismo Lab
Berkeley Seismo Lab Seismo Blog
Community Event Response to the May 2018 Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii Eruption
GEOFON Program Event page
Last earthquakes analyzed by GEOSCOPE
European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre
European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre Earthquake
Pele, the Hawai’i Goddess of Fire, Lightning, Wind, and Volcanoes
IRIS Earthquake Sci, @IRIS_EPO
Jascha Polet, @CPPGeophysics
patton_cascadia, @patton_cascadia
Anthony Lomax, @ALomaxNet
Products for this event
IRIS DMC Event Page
Interactive Earthquake Browser
IRIS Special Events Archive


USGS ShakeMap

[USGS Event KML] USGS ShakeMap

Automatic determination of source parameters

[GEOSCOPE Observatory] Automatic determination of source parameters using
the SCARDEC method

U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory

[Volcano Watch, U.S. Geological Survey Hawaiian Volcano Observatory]
Over 500 earthquakes were located by the USGS Hawaiian Volcano
Observatory (HVO) between noon Friday and noon Saturday,
May 4-5, 2018. A magnitude-6.9 earthquake at 12:32 p.m. HST
on Friday was preceded by two foreshocks with magnitudes of 5.4
and 4.4 at 11:32 a.m. and 11:38 a.m., respectively, and followed
by eight aftershocks with magnitudes greater than 4.0, including a
magnitude-5.3 at 2:37 p.m. Moderate to strong aftershocks should be
expected for weeks to months to come. The earthquakes are related to
the ongoing intrusion into Kīlauea’s East Rift Zone and reflect adjustments
beneath the south flank of the volcano. USGS map.>/p>

NZA Regional Network

[NZA Regional Network (AZ)] Seismic waveforms for closest station
(Closest station with identified signal. Not filtered).

Jay Patton, Humboldt State University

[Jay Patton, Humboldt State University] Earthquake-Volcanic Eruption Report:
M 6.9 Hawaii (& USGS Seismicity 1918-2018 M>= 3.5)

IRIS DMC Event Plots

[IRIS DMC Event Plots Product] Combined and aligned on origin 0.3 to 1.0 Hz
BHZ (click on image to access the EventPlots).

Videos & Animations

Zhigang Peng, Georgia Tech Sonification

[Zhigang Peng, Georgia Tech] Sonification of a nearby seismic station
that recorded both the M5.4 and 6.9 sequences, as well as some gliding sounds.
Such sounds could be related to gliding volcanic tremor during or preceding volcanic
eruptions, or could be generated by man-made sources such as air traffics
(click image to download).


[IRIS DMC GMV Product] LHZ Ground Motion Visualization for Mw 6.9
earthquake in Hawaii (click on image to access the GMV video).


[IRIS DMC GMV Product] 3-Component LHZ, LHN and LHE Ground Motion
Visualization for Mw 6.9 earthquake in Hawaii
(click on image to access the GMV video).

Miscellaneous Contributions

M6.9 recorded with geophones in NV & OK

[Jim O'Donnell, BC-Geophysics] The M6.9 was recorded using a Sigma 4 recorder with geophones in both Boulder City (BC), NV and near Ponca City, OK with the KawLake seismic array which is being utilized to record the seismicity in OK. By using a very good seismic recorder, low noise, we are able to inverse filter the data from the geophone response down to a much lower frequency.

The Boulder City site used 1 Hz, 2.5 Hz (hs), and 4.5 Hz Sunfull geophones in the Z direction, while the OK site used a 3c 2.0 Hz geophone compared to a CMG 40T seismometer. The event is shown below with both time series and amplitude spectra in velocity. The records are attached, with a map showing the location of both sites and the M6.9 epicenter..

M6.9 recorded with geophones in NV & OK
M6.9 in OK and NV 2018-05-04

M6.9 recorded with geophones in NV & OK
M6.9 OK

M6.9 recorded with geophones in NV & OK
M6.9 in OK 2018-05 08-15.15.04

M6.9 recorded with geophones in NV & OK
M6.9 Spectra OK

M6.9 recorded with geophones in NV & OK
M6.9 Spectra OK

M6.9 recorded with geophones in NV & OK
M6.9 in OK Body waves T-1000s 2018-05-08 15.15.04

M6.9 recorded with geophones in NV & OK
M6.9 in OK Surface waves T-1000s 2018-05-08 15.15.04

M6.9 recorded with geophones in NV & OK
NV 2018-05-09 11.32.13

M6.9 recorded with geophones in NV & OK
NV 2018-05-09 11.42.12

M6.9 recorded with geophones in NV & OK
NV 2018-05-09 11.40.22

M6.9 recorded with geophones in NV & OK
NV 3C 2018-05-09 11.35.27

Gerald Payton, North Central Texas

[Gerald Payton, North Central Texas] Seismogram reading of Grandview, Texas station.

NSF SAGE Facility Event Page

The NSF SAGE Facility event page for this event contains links to additional tools and data.


Special Events IRIS DMC Earthquakes Hawaii

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