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Tools typically refers to online (or web-based) applications that you do not download directly to your computer. The NSF SAGE Facility offers a wide array of online tools for interrogating our data holdings and generating files in a number of formats.

Name Description Interface Data Type Data Format
Assembled Data

Browse pre-assembled data sets, mostly from temporary deployments.

Query Form Time Series
BUD Monitor

Near-real time miniSEED data holdings that have not yet been formally archived.

Monitor Time Series MiniSEED Dataless SEED
Data Channels Wizard

An interactive tool for exploring the 3-character SEED format for time series channel codes (BHZ, LHE, etc.).

Dataless Request

A web form allowing direct request of a Dataless SEED file.

Query Form Dataless SEED
Event Monitor

Quick overview of any event, along with links to all IRIS tools that provide information about that event.

Browse Events

A browsable map of stations by network, time range, and a variety of other parameters.


An interactive map service for viewing Earthquake Epicenters superimposed on a map of the world.

Browse Events QuakeML
Mars Insight Events

Raw QuakeML, documentation, and listing of events from the Mars InSight mission.

Browse Events QuakeML

Metadata Aggregator shows information about networks, stations, and instruments.

Browse Dataless SEED

A set of web services providing data quality metrics such as latency, gaps, and availability.

API Data Quality
Nominal Response Library

Browse and download instrument-specific nominal response files.

Browse API Dataless SEED StationXML
Seismo Archives

Seismograms and related materials dating back to 1882 that have been digitized for preservation and electronic access.

Browse Time Series

Searchable Products Database provides a browsable/searchable interface into most of the products at IRIS.

Browse Products
Station QuickLook

Quickly see current and historical waveform data for a particular station.

Browse Time Series
Web Services

Retrieve a wide variety of information via HTTP-based services. Includes APIs for Java, MATLAB, and others.

API Events Time Series MiniSEED StationXML QuakeML
Wilber 3

Browse and request event-based data using a Google Maps interface.

Browse Events Time Series SEED MiniSEED SAC
23:01:01 v.af9cd46b