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Nominal Response Library
Element datalogger
Manufacturer Guralp

Below is some model-specific information to help you locate your instrument response.


Certimus dataloggers supply instrument responses to the user that are customized to each individual datalogger. Because this is preferable to using a nominal response, Certimus datalogger responses are not included in the Nominal Response Library


Nominal responses given here are valid for the CMG-6TD beginning in 2005.


These responses describe the standalone version of the CMG-CD24 datalogger. CD24s that are integrated sensor-digitizer packages have different ADC sensitivities. To describe an integrated CD24, use the responses for the standalone, but edit the ADC sensitivity according to th ecalibration sheet that accompanied your instrument.


The Mk1 was manufactured using a Crystal CS5322 chip and has a firmware version beginning with "V.0", but is less than V.090. Because they use th esam chip, Mk1 dataloggers have the same FIR filter cascade and tap table lookups as the Mk2 dataloggers. Their ADC sensitivity matches that of the Mk2 wired for single-ended output


The Mk2 was manufactured using a Crystal CS5322 chip and has a firmware version greater than V.090. The Mk2 wired for single-ended output (SE) has a bit weight of 1.27 microV/count.


The Mk2 was manufactured using a Crystal CS5322 chip before 2004 and has a firmware version greater than V.090. The Mk2 wired for differential output (DF) has a bit weight of 3.2-3.5 microV/count. Responses in the NRL use a nominal value of 3.2 microV/count (or a scale factor of 3.125e+5 couts/V).


The Mk3 was manufactured using a Crystal CS5376 chip from 2004 on. It is made with either a fixed or variable preamp gain. The fixed gain version has a bit weight of 3.2 microV/count.


The Mk3 was manufactured using a Crystal CS5376 chip from 2004 on. It is made with either a fixed or variable preamp gain. The variable gain version has a bit weight of 2.84 microV/count.


Fortimus dataloggers supply instrument responses to the user that are customized to each individual datalogger. Because this is preferable to using a nominal response, Fortimus datalogger responses are not included in the Nominal Response Library.


Minimus datalogger supply instrumen tresponses to the user that are customized to each individual datalogger. Because this is preferable to using a nominal response, Minimus datalogger responses are not included in the Nominal Response Library.

Guralp Models

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