IRIS International Development Seismology

Hanoi, Vietnam

2015-09-16 — 2015-09-17

Background Information


IRIS International Development Seismology (IDS) will offer a two-day Advanced Studies Institute (ASI) on Earthquake-Related Data Products. The goal for this ASI is to help network analysts start to become familiar with the software used to analyze broadband seismic data. We will focus on measurement of earthquake features beyond the single-event hypocenters and magnitudes that can be computed from short-period arrival time picks and amplitude measurements. Financial support for the ASI is provided by the National Science Foundation.

The ASI will immediately follow the Managing Data from Seismic Networks workshop organized by IRIS Data Services (DS), and be held in the same hotel.


A broad range of techniques for processing broadband seismic data offer insights into Earth structure and the rupture process of earthquakes that are not possible using techniques developed for analysis of short period data. This ASI will feature introductions to two techniques that have the potential to be integrated into routine operations of a seismic network center. The ASI offers benefits to participants, who can use these tools to begin providing more complete information about the earthquakes that they are already detecting and locating.
The lecturers are research seismologists involved in development and use of data processing algorithms to gain new insights into Earth dynamics. Thus, the ASI focuses on scientific questions related to the analysis, careful examination of the results for scientific validity, and interpretation of the output from the processing.


To master material in a very short ASI, each student will join one of two groups and focus on a single technique that is introduced concisely and then put into use during hands-on exercises, with one-on-one guidance promptly available.

Track 1: Multiple Event Relocation

In this track, Dr. Felix Waldhauser will introduce the concept of double-difference methods for high-resolution seismic event location. The HypoDD algorithm will be used together with prepared data sets that include network generated parametric data and high-precision delay-time measurements from correlated seismograms to demonstrate relocation procedures and performance. Lecture material will include strategies for building differential-time networks, waveform cross-correlation, 1D and 3D velocity models for data prediction, regularization and data weighting, relative location error estimation, evaluation of solution robustness, and analysis of results. Approaches for implementing real-time double-difference algorithms in routine seismic monitoring procedures will also be presented. The lecture material will be illustrated with earthquake data from various tectonic settings. Participants are encouraged to bring their own data sets.

Track 2: Regional Moment Tensors

In this track, Dr. Robert Herrmann will introduce methods for the determination of seismic moment tensors using data at regional and teleseismic distances using broadband digital waveform data obtained from regional seismic network stations as well as the GSN. A complete processing system with sample data sets will be provided based on Dr. Herrmann’s “Computer Programs in Seismology” A tutorial that describes the use of the codes with the sample data sets,the installation of Computer Programs in Seismology on other computers, and the installation of VirtualBox on those machines will be provided as a “pdf” for reference. The course will reinforce what the participants have learned about assembling data sets from the IRIS Data Center and correcting for instrument response to obtain ground motion during the “Managing Data from Seismic Networks” workshop. The course will address the topics “What is a moment tensor?”, “Why is a moment tensor important?”, “How do I know if my network data are good enough to be used?”, and finally, “How do I use my regional crustal model for my earthquakes?”. The software works on a VirtualBox installed on the student’s laptop (Windows, MacOS-X or LINUX. The laptop requires about 20 Gb of free space on the disk. If students wish to process some of their own data, they should communicate with Dr.Herrmann before the meeting [Email].

Location Details

Silk Path Hotel
Hanoi, Vietnam

Technical Requirements

  • Intel or AMD-based CPU dual core processor
  • 2GB RAM, recommended 4GB
  • 100 GB of disk space
  • A spare USB port
  • Operating System (one of the following)
    • MAC OS 10.5 or later
    • Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
    • Linux 2.6.32 kernel or later
  • Virtual Box for Seiscomp 3 (Virtual Box Image will be prepared)
    • Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04 64 bit for Seiscomp 3
  • Mouse with Scrollwheel


IRIS-DS , FDSN , IASPEI , IES , IGP CEA , Institute of Geophysics ( Local Host) , RIMES ( Regional Host) , NSF and TEC .

Important Dates and Venue

2015-09-16 — 2015-09-17

Workshop will be held in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Workshop Contacts

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