Thread: run SAC on Mac OSX 10.4.6

Started: 2006-04-28 07:24:32
Last activity: 2006-04-28 07:24:32
Topics: SAC Help
Sonata WU
2006-04-28 07:24:32
Hi All:
Please give me some help. I just received the SAC for Mac beta
version (05Jun01.sac.bin.darwin.tgz)
and I unzip it and put the "sac" folder in my home directory. When I
run "sac" under the directory /sac/bin,
the message is following

WARNING: Number 108 /usr/local/sac/aux/csspickpref . readcss will
not read picks.
Problems opening Command List: /usr/local/sac/aux/clstd

Please tell me how to fix the error or anything i did wrong?
OS: OSX10.4.6; shell: bash

Best regards,

Sonata Wu

  • Rick Benson
    2006-04-27 17:15:48
    Hello, Sonata-
    It appears you are running this on the new intel mac.
    I don't think this is universal binary at this point. Has anyone
    looked into
    compatibility with the new Macs?

    On Apr 27, 2006, at 9:24 AM, Sonata WU wrote:

    Hi All:
    Please give me some help. I just received the SAC for Mac beta
    version (05Jun01.sac.bin.darwin.tgz)
    and I unzip it and put the "sac" folder in my home directory. When
    I run "sac" under the directory /sac/bin,
    the message is following

    WARNING: Number 108 /usr/local/sac/aux/csspickpref . readcss
    will not read picks.
    ERROR: Number 901 in INITCOMLISTS.
    Problems opening Command List: /usr/local/sac/aux/clstd

    Please tell me how to fix the error or anything i did wrong?
    OS: OSX10.4.6; shell: bash

    Best regards,

    Sonata Wu

    sac-help mailing list

    • Robert Casey
      2006-04-27 17:31:03

      Another possibility I can offer. The error messages suggest that
      SAC is looking in /usr/local/sac/aux, yet you mentioned that you
      installed SAC in /sac/bin.

      What are your SACDIR and SACAUX environment variables set to? Make
      sure they are pointing to your current SAC installation pathnames.


      On Apr 27, 2006, at 10:15 AM, Rick Benson wrote:

      Hello, Sonata-
      It appears you are running this on the new intel mac.
      I don't think this is universal binary at this point. Has anyone
      looked into
      compatibility with the new Macs?

      On Apr 27, 2006, at 9:24 AM, Sonata WU wrote:

      Hi All:
      Please give me some help. I just received the SAC for Mac beta
      version (05Jun01.sac.bin.darwin.tgz)
      and I unzip it and put the "sac" folder in my home directory. When
      I run "sac" under the directory /sac/bin,
      the message is following

      WARNING: Number 108 /usr/local/sac/aux/csspickpref . readcss
      will not read picks.
      ERROR: Number 901 in INITCOMLISTS.
      Problems opening Command List: /usr/local/sac/aux/clstd

      Please tell me how to fix the error or anything i did wrong?
      OS: OSX10.4.6; shell: bash

      Best regards,

      Sonata Wu

      sac-help mailing list

      sac-help mailing list

  • Arthur Snoke
    2006-04-27 21:27:18
    I have read the other two replies, and have comments on both.

    1. If you are using an Intel machine, the programs will not run because
    they were built using the opposite endian. If a sac developer has an
    Intel machine, new binaries could probably be made, but when that binary
    was prepared, the Intel mac did not exist.

    2. I suggest getting the sac version 100.1, that should have a date later
    than 1 June in its file name as the history file has comments from July
    26, 2005. I should hope the version at IRIS is the version as of July,
    not June.

    3. Look at the README file in the ~/sac directory for information about
    setting up the environmental variables (or whatever they are called in
    bash) to point to the correct directory for sac/aux.

    Arthur Snoke

    On Fri, 28 Apr 2006, Sonata WU wrote:

    Hi All:
    Please give me some help. I just received the SAC for Mac beta version
    and I unzip it and put the "sac" folder in my home directory. When I run
    "sac" under the directory /sac/bin,
    the message is following

    WARNING: Number 108 /usr/local/sac/aux/csspickpref . readcss will not read
    ERROR: Number 901 in INITCOMLISTS.
    Problems opening Command List: /usr/local/sac/aux/clstd

    Please tell me how to fix the error or anything i did wrong?
    OS: OSX10.4.6; shell: bash

    Best regards,

    Sonata Wu

    sac-help mailing list

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