Thread: catalog earliest/latest times

Started: 2013-03-15 16:51:44
Last activity: 2013-03-15 16:51:44
Topics: Web Services
Philip Crotwell
2013-03-15 16:51:44
So I just stumbled onto this "almost web service" that lists the earliest
and latest times for each catalog/contributor:

This would be really useful for SOD to decide with time ranges should use
which catalogs/contributors. Any chance you all are thinking of "web
servicing" this functionality? It could be screen-scrapped, but a text or
xml format would be easier to parse.


  • Chad Trabant
    2013-03-15 15:22:43

    Hi Philip,

    Hmm, not a bad idea. We will look into how hard that will be and file a feature request for future consideration. The catalog and contributor listings supported by the FDSN spec. do not include this information so it would be an extension on that.


    On Mar 15, 2013, at 6:51 AM, Philip Crotwell <crotwell<at>> wrote:

    So I just stumbled onto this "almost web service" that lists the earliest and latest times for each catalog/contributor:

    This would be really useful for SOD to decide with time ranges should use which catalogs/contributors. Any chance you all are thinking of "web servicing" this functionality? It could be screen-scrapped, but a text or xml format would be easier to parse.

    webservices mailing list

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