Thread: Problem in Running SAC

Started: 2006-09-14 18:42:00
Last activity: 2006-09-15 18:54:32
Topics: SAC Help
Hadi Ghofrani
2006-09-14 18:42:00
Dear Sir
I'm a novice user with Linux OS. I do following in Linux Redhat 9.0:
1. Extract the SAC zip, which contains aux, bin, lib and utils folders, file in /usr/local
2. Add following lines to .bash_profile file:
- export SACAUX=/usr/local/SAC/aux
- export SACGRAPHICS=xwindows
- PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/SAC/bin
3. Then after reboot write sac to execute the program.
But, the "cannot ececute binary file" massage appears.
I appreciated it very much if you could advise how can I run sac on my PC.
Thanks your assistance in advance.

Best regards

Hadi Ghofrani

  • andreas wessel
    2006-09-15 18:54:32
    Maybe some of this will help:

    1. Make sure your .bash_profile is loaded. Type "echo $SACAUX" to see if the
    variable is known. If it's not then your bash_profile isn't loaded or the
    syntax is wrong. You can load it manually: "source ~/.bash_profile", no need
    to reboot.
    My syntax looks like this:
    export SACAUX='/seismo/sac/aux' (notice the '...')
    2. Also make sure the path is ok: "echo $PATH", but this should be alright,
    because it seems to find the sac binary.
    What version are you trying to run?


    On 9/14/06, Hadi Ghofrani <ghofrani<at>> wrote:

    Dear Sir
    I'm a novice user with Linux OS. I do following in Linux Redhat 9.0:
    1. Extract the SAC zip, which contains aux, bin, lib and utils
    folders, file in */usr/local*
    2. Add following lines to *.bash_profile* file:
    *- export SACAUX=/usr/local/SAC/aux*
    *- export SACGRAPHICS=xwindows*
    *- PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/SAC/bin*
    3. Then after reboot write *sac *to execute the program.
    But, the "cannot ececute binary file" massage appears.
    I appreciated it very much if you could advise how can I run sac on my PC.

    Thanks your assistance in advance.

    Best regards

    Hadi Ghofrani

    sac-help mailing list

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