Thread: macros

Started: 2006-09-14 22:17:35
Last activity: 2006-09-28 22:45:06
Topics: SAC Help
Arthur Snoke
2006-09-14 22:17:35
I confess I have not thought very much about macros, because a technique
I have used for several generations of sac seems to work.

I have made up an "init.m" file that runs when I start sac. I do this by
creating an alias for sac:

equake{snoke}451: alias sac
/usr/local/bin/sac /usr/local/macros/Randy/macros/init.m
equake{snoke}452: cat /usr/local/macros/Randy/macros/init.m
* SAC macro to intitialize environment each time SAC2000 is started.
*echo on
setmacro /usr/local/macros/Randy/macros
window 1 x 0.00 1.00 y 0.30 0.92
*lh columns 2
sc echo "To get header values in two columns, use lh columns 2"
qdp 10000
xdiv power off
xlabel 'SECONDS'
ylabel off
*echo off

I suggest trying to upgrade from sac2000 to the newer versions if you can
get them either through IRIS or asking LLNL for the binary version.

  • Talal
    2006-09-20 18:01:56

    thank you for Sonoke and Megan for your vailuble reply. actaully, i have succeeded running the macros and make it exceutable. but, after execution the macros i have got the following error message:

    talal@clover:[7]%% mystuff2
    mystuff2: READ: not found
    mystuff2: MUL: not found
    mystuff2: FFT: not found
    mystuff2: BG: not found
    mystuff2: PSP: not found

    and even when just to try follow the manual. the command macro...not working for me ..!! i'm wondering may that because, i'm using an old version 0.58 of SAC2000.
    actaully, its not hat imopratnt unless the macros it self could work fine without the word macro...!!

    talal@clover:[8]%% macro mystuff2
    macro: Command not found

    by the way, i have put the macros on different directory for example, /export/home/talal/macros.
    than, which we can called it default path for macros as megan say's /home/sac/aux/macros ..

    is this seems the problems or what's going on exaclty..?
    why this error message happen to me...!!??

    any idea?

    thank you

    Arthur Snoke <snoke<at>> wrote:
    I confess I have not thought very much about macros, because a technique
    I have used for several generations of sac seems to work.

    I have made up an "init.m" file that runs when I start sac. I do this by
    creating an alias for sac:

    equake{snoke}451: alias sac
    /usr/local/bin/sac /usr/local/macros/Randy/macros/init.m
    equake{snoke}452: cat /usr/local/macros/Randy/macros/init.m
    * SAC macro to intitialize environment each time SAC2000 is started.
    *echo on
    *******RANDY'S SAC ENVIRONMENT*********
    setmacro /usr/local/macros/Randy/macros
    window 1 x 0.00 1.00 y 0.30 0.92
    *lh columns 2
    sc echo "To get header values in two columns, use lh columns 2"
    qdp 10000
    xdiv power off
    xlabel 'SECONDS'
    ylabel l r 'EAST NORTH VERTICAL'
    ylabel off
    *echo off

    I suggest trying to upgrade from sac2000 to the newer versions if you can
    get them either through IRIS or asking LLNL for the binary version.

    sac-help mailing list

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    2006-09-28 22:45:06
    Hi everyone,

    Is there a way i can create synthetic data using SAC?
    and if not which software is best or available that stores data in SAC
    format or ASCII.

    Thank you

    Matthew Agius
    Physics Department
    University of Malta

    E-mail: magi014<at>
    Tel : (+356) 2340 3037

18:09:34 v.af9cd46b