Thread: advice needed: moving data

Started: 2007-01-25 18:14:10
Last activity: 2007-01-25 21:07:26
Topics: IRIS EPO
Craig Messerman
2007-01-25 18:14:10
Hi All,
Our AS1 is currently running on an old Win98 machine that is not network capable and its USB ports are not enabled. It does have a zip drive. I aquired a newer machine, but I can't figure out an efficient way to move two years of data to the new machine. The zip drive is very slow and the disks don't hold much more than a month or two of data (does that sound right?). I could go back and note the dates of major events and just move the folders for those days, but could I just drop them into the month folders on the new machine? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Craig Messerman
Sentinel High School, Missoula, Montana

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  • Robert J. Mellors
    2007-01-25 19:23:08
    You might be able to transfer via the serial port using kermit
    although I have not used this program this millennium so
    I am not completely sure. It may be necessary to use
    "binary" mode for sac files; also log in as admin.
    Note that kermit 95 has a free trial.

    I don't know if kermit supports directories; you might
    try compressing all the files (try winzip maybe) - actually,
    that may reduce the size for your zip drive.

    Rob M

    ps. you will need a cable to connect the serial ports also....

    At 09:14 AM 01/25/2007, you wrote:
    Hi All,
    Our AS1 is currently running on an old Win98 machine that is not
    network capable and its USB ports are not enabled. It does have a
    zip drive. I aquired a newer machine, but I can't figure out an
    efficient way to move two years of data to the new machine. The zip
    drive is very slow and the disks don't hold much more than a month
    or two of data (does that sound right?). I could go back and note
    the dates of major events and just move the folders for those days,
    but could I just drop them into the month folders on the new
    machine? Any thoughts would be appreciated.

    Craig Messerman
    Sentinel High School, Missoula, Montana

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    <<<< GWAVASIG >>>>

    irised mailing list

  • TKBravo
    2007-01-25 21:07:26

    As long as you maintain the directory structure, you can move selected
    files and folders to a new machine. Just make sure you recreate the
    2005 or 2006 folder and copy the month/day folders under them. Amaseis
    can scroll back through non-continuous data with no problems.

    I agree that moving the large events is likely your most efficient
    method. However, this will at least save space on your new machine!

    Good Luck-

    Quoting Craig Messerman <cmesserman<at>>:

    Hi All,
    Our AS1 is currently running on an old Win98 machine that is not
    network capable and its USB ports are not enabled. It does have a zip
    drive. I aquired a newer machine, but I can't figure out an efficient
    way to move two years of data to the new machine. The zip drive is
    very slow and the disks don't hold much more than a month or two of
    data (does that sound right?). I could go back and note the dates of
    major events and just move the folders for those days, but could I
    just drop them into the month folders on the new machine? Any
    thoughts would be appreciated.

    Craig Messerman
    Sentinel High School, Missoula, Montana

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    Tammy Katherine Baldwin de Bravo
    Department of Geological Sciences
    Indiana University
    1001 East Tenth Street
    Bloomington, Indiana 47405

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