Earlier John Lahr showed how filtering can make it easy to detect earthquakes. Here's another example.
Check out the two images. They show three earthquakes in the last 24 hours.
The filtering is the same as John Lahr commonly uses. You can hardly see the earthquakes until you turn on the filtering.
This is cool. I was able to do this from home because of a beta version of AmaSeis I am using. The computer at the University that is attached to the AS-1 sends an hour file to an FTP site each hour. The AmaSeis on my computer at home downloads them directly into AmaSeis.
The events 6.0 or above in this time span are:
04-APR-2007 11:00:27 -20.73 168.88 6.3 10.0 LOYALTY ISLANDS
04-APR-2007 06:34:34 -7.78 156.49 6.2 10.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS
04-APR-2007 00:39:44 -7.12 156.07 6.0 10.0 SOLOMON ISLANDS (Can't see this one)
03-APR-2007 20:26:14 -20.70 168.86 6.3 41.4 LOYALTY ISLANDS
Alan Jones