Thread: RE: Want to share your AS-1 data in realtime?

Started: 2007-06-07 18:46:50
Last activity: 2007-06-07 18:46:50
Topics: IRIS EPO
Jerry Cook
2007-06-07 18:46:50
Hi John,
The IT department here at my school will not look into trying real time sharing untill the code comes out of beta. I am running SBNY at home and trying out various assignments that I might use with the students later. The ideal situation for me would be if I could get real time from California or New Mexico! Let me know if anyone in that area is accessable.
J. Bob


From: irised-bounces<at>
[irised-bounces<at>] On Behalf Of John Lahr
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2007 1:15 PM
Subject: [irised] Want to share your AS-1 data in realtime?

There was a typo in the URL for AmaSeis, which is corrected below. I've
also added a few extra notes.
John Lahr

For AS-1/AmaSeis users:

The current version of AmaSeis has the capability to share data in realtime.
This has been running for John Lahr and myself for a few months but we want
some more testers. You don't have to be a current user of AmaSeis to test!

This is beta-level code!

To test, this is what you can do:

* Download and install AmaSeis from <
* If you already are using AmaSeis, install in a different directory.
* Run it once and then shut it down. This will create a modified
version of the file AS1.INI.
* Bring up AS1.INI with an editor.
* Toward the bottom of the file, set the following parameters exactly
as I have them:


* Bring up AmaSeis again.
* It should connect with my AmaSeis/AS-1 at Binghamton University.
* To really see the power of this, go to Controls/Set date time and
set to 2004.12.26 and 8 hours.
* You'll see the Sumatra 9.0 earthquake! Extract it!
* If you try this tomorrow, those Sumatra files will still be there.
You won't have to fetch again.

Now that you see this working, and, hopefully, it will work for you,
consider how you can use this in your school.

Things to think about:

* Do you have a computer running AmsSeis on the network?
* If so, are there teachers in other rooms who would like access to
your real-time data?
* There are likely to be firewall issues if you share from school to
school. But if you are in the same school, that should not be a problem.
* If you want to try sharing across institutions, this is how I made
it work. On my server:

* I used port 80
* Opened up my hardware firewall to allow TCP connections to port 80.

* All you have to do is set the computer attached to the AS-1 as (see
above): TCPServer=YES, TCPClient=NO. The server doesn't need to set the
TCPHostAddress parameter.
* It might be better to pick some high number between 32768 and 65535
for the TCPPort address rather than the 80 I used. For example:


* Set any client computers like above but substitute the IP address or
name of the server machine.
* To find your IP address, give the command: ipconfig at a
DOS/Command prompt:

Good luck. Let us ALL know about your successes or failures.

Note: There are instructions in the Help screens concerning TCP/IP.


# Alan Jones
## AlanJones<at>
#### 607-786-5866
##### 3717 Wildwood Drive
###### Endwell, NY 13760
irised mailing list

-----Original Message-----
From: irised-bounces<at> on behalf of John Lahr
Sent: Wed 6/6/2007 1:15 PM
Subject: [irised] Want to share your AS-1 data in realtime?

There was a typo in the URL for AmaSeis, which is corrected below. I've also added a few extra notes.
John Lahr

For AS-1/AmaSeis users:

The current version of AmaSeis has the capability to share data in realtime. This has been running for John Lahr and myself for a few months but we want some more testers. You don't have to be a current user of AmaSeis to test!

This is beta-level code!

To test, this is what you can do:

* Download and install AmaSeis from < >
* If you already are using AmaSeis, install in a different directory.
* Run it once and then shut it down. This will create a modified version of the file AS1.INI.
* Bring up AS1.INI with an editor.
* Toward the bottom of the file, set the following parameters exactly as I have them:


* Bring up AmaSeis again.
* It should connect with my AmaSeis/AS-1 at Binghamton University.
* To really see the power of this, go to Controls/Set date time and set to 2004.12.26 and 8 hours.
* You'll see the Sumatra 9.0 earthquake! Extract it!
* If you try this tomorrow, those Sumatra files will still be there. You won't have to fetch again.

Now that you see this working, and, hopefully, it will work for you, consider how you can use this in your school.

Things to think about:

* Do you have a computer running AmsSeis on the network?
* If so, are there teachers in other rooms who would like access to your real-time data?
* There are likely to be firewall issues if you share from school to school. But if you are in the same school, that should not be a problem.
* If you want to try sharing across institutions, this is how I made it work. On my server:

* I used port 80
* Opened up my hardware firewall to allow TCP connections to port 80.

* All you have to do is set the computer attached to the AS-1 as (see above): TCPServer=YES, TCPClient=NO. The server doesn't need to set the TCPHostAddress parameter.
* It might be better to pick some high number between 32768 and 65535 for the TCPPort address rather than the 80 I used. For example:


* Set any client computers like above but substitute the IP address or name of the server machine.
* To find your IP address, give the command: ipconfig at a DOS/Command prompt:

Good luck. Let us ALL know about your successes or failures.

Note: There are instructions in the Help screens concerning TCP/IP.


# Alan Jones
## AlanJones<at>
### #### 607-786-5866
##### 3717 Wildwood Drive
###### Endwell, NY 13760
irised mailing list

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