Thread: Please submit your scientific, educational, and outreach highlights to IRIS!

Started: 2012-04-17 17:19:00
Last activity: 2012-04-17 17:19:00
Topics: Early Careers
Dear Colleagues,

We encourage members of the IRIS community to contribute to our gallery
of IRIS-enabled accomplishments:

This compilation will be displayed from our homepage, sharing with all
the exciting body of work produced by the IRIS community. The virtual
archive will serve as a resource to peers within the geoscience
community, science directors at the National Science Foundation, and the
general public. Highlights are currently being solicited in conjunction
with this summer's IRIS Workshop. We encourage members of the community
to submit highlights throughout the year, and we will continue to
refresh and update the gallery.

Example highlights from previous solicitations are compiled here:

Please proceed here to contribute a highlight:

Andy Frassetto
Project Associate
IRIS Consortium

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