Thread: Webinar: A 3-D Model of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle Beneath the Central and Western US by Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion

Started: 2012-10-18 06:32:35
Last activity: 2012-10-24 22:42:16
Topics: Early Careers
Please consider attending a webinar on "A 3-D Model of the Crust and
Uppermost Mantle Beneath the Central and Western US by Joint Inversion
of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion" on October 25, 2012
from 3-4 pm EDT. This webinar is sponsored by the Transportable Array
Working Group, part of the USArray governance.

There are 100 spots available for attendees. To attend, register by
entering your name and email here: You will then receive a
confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
***This same email can be used to unreserve your spot if you ultimately
cannot attend the webinar.***

The webinar will be recorded and available for viewing afterward.
Following the presentation there will be the opportunity to ask the
speaker questions. More information on IRIS research webinars, including
links to previously recorded presentations, may be found here:

Please contact Andy Frassetto (andyf<at> with any additional

Presenter: Weisen Shen, Department of Physics, University of Colorado at

Summary: "Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps from ambient noise and
earthquake data are inverted jointly with receiver functions observed at
~1400 stations from the USArray Transportable Array west of 85°W
longitude for data recorded in the years 2005 through 2012 to produce a
3-D model of shear wave speeds beneath the central and western US to a
depth of 150 km. Eikonal tomography is applied to ambient noise data to
produce over 300000 Rayleigh wave phase speed curves and Helmholtz
tomography is applied to data following 2000 (Ms greater than 4.5)
earthquakes so that Rayleigh wave dispersion maps are constructed from 8
sec to 80 sec period with associated uncertainties across the region.
Harmonic stripping generates back-azimuth independent receiver functions
with uncertainty estimates for each of the stations. A non-linear
Bayesian Monte-Carlo method is used to estimate a distribution of Vs
models beneath each station by jointly interpreting surface wave
dispersion and receiver functions and their uncertainties. The
assimilation of receiver functions improves the vertical resolution of
the model by reducing the range of estimated Moho depths, improving the
determination of the shear velocity jump across Moho, and improving the
resolution of the depth of anomalies in the uppermost mantle. A great
variety of geological and tectonic features are revealed in the 3-D
model and call for more detailed local to regional scale analysis and
interpretation. In particular, we will discuss the preliminary model of
crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath the Mid-Continental Rift."

System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer

  • Please consider attending a webinar on "A 3-D Model of the Crust and
    Uppermost Mantle Beneath the Central and Western US by Joint Inversion
    of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Dispersion" on October 25, 2012
    from 3-4 pm EDT. This webinar is sponsored by the Transportable Array
    Working Group, part of the USArray governance.

    There are 100 spots available for attendees. To attend, register by
    entering your name and email here: You will then receive a
    confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
    ***This same email can be used to unreserve your spot if you ultimately
    cannot attend the webinar.***

    The webinar will be recorded and available for viewing afterward.
    Following the presentation there will be the opportunity to ask the
    speaker questions. More information on IRIS research webinars, including
    links to previously recorded presentations, may be found here:

    Please contact Andy Frassetto (andyf<at> with any additional
    Presenter: Weisen Shen, Department of Physics, University of Colorado at

    Summary: "Rayleigh wave phase velocity maps from ambient noise and
    earthquake data are inverted jointly with receiver functions observed at
    ~1400 stations from the USArray Transportable Array west of 85°W
    longitude for data recorded in the years 2005 through 2012 to produce a
    3-D model of shear wave speeds beneath the central and western US to a
    depth of 150 km. Eikonal tomography is applied to ambient noise data to
    produce over 300000 Rayleigh wave phase speed curves and Helmholtz
    tomography is applied to data following 2000 (Ms greater than 4.5)
    earthquakes so that Rayleigh wave dispersion maps are constructed from 8
    sec to 80 sec period with associated uncertainties across the region.
    Harmonic stripping generates back-azimuth independent receiver functions
    with uncertainty estimates for each of the stations. A non-linear
    Bayesian Monte-Carlo method is used to estimate a distribution of Vs
    models beneath each station by jointly interpreting surface wave
    dispersion and receiver functions and their uncertainties. The
    assimilation of receiver functions improves the vertical resolution of
    the model by reducing the range of estimated Moho depths, improving the
    determination of the shear velocity jump across Moho, and improving the
    resolution of the depth of anomalies in the uppermost mantle. A great
    variety of geological and tectonic features are revealed in the 3-D
    model and call for more detailed local to regional scale analysis and
    interpretation. In particular, we will discuss the preliminary model of
    crustal and uppermost mantle structure beneath the Mid-Continental Rift."

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