Thread: IRIS Data Webinar Rescheduled for 11/8 2PM

Started: 2012-10-30 20:30:12
Last activity: 2012-10-30 20:30:12
Topics: Early Careers
Andrew Frassetto
2012-10-30 20:30:12
Due to the effects of Hurricane Sandy, the webinar "Incorporating
IRIS-held data into research workflows (with an emphasis on command-line
utilities and MATLAB integration)" has been rescheduled for November 8,
2012 from 2-3 pm EST. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Those who registered previously are still signed up. For those now
available to attend, register by entering your name and email here: You will then receive a
confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
***This same email can be used to relinquish your reservation if you
cannot attend the webinar.***

The webinar will be recorded and available for viewing afterward.
Following the presentation there will be the opportunity to direct
questions to the speaker. More information on IRIS research webinars,
including links to previously recorded presentations, may be found here:

Please contact Andy Frassetto (andyf<at> with any additional

Presenter: Celso Reyes, IRIS Data Management System

Summary: Web service interfaces at the IRIS Data Management Center (DMC)
provide access to a vast archive of seismological and related
geophysical data. Programs that communicate with these web services
facilitate access to this archive for users with diverse data needs.
These range from simple one-off requests to feeding complex, automated
data processing workflows. For example, one user might simply fill out a
simple web-based form, to get a list of M greater than 8.0 earthquakes
for a map. Another researcher might take advantage of the MATLAB
interface to feed a study that involves analyzing hundreds of traces for
earthquakes that meet certain criteria. Yet another user may use the
Perl-based Fetch scripts to continually provide seismic data to a large,
automated system.

In this webinar, we will explore two of the ways that researchers can
bring IRIS DMC data directly into their workflows: command line Fetch
scripts and irisFetch.m (MATLAB). Fetch scripts are well suited for
integration into existing workflows on most operating systems. The
MATLAB interfaces bring data from the DMC directly into MATLAB making
them available for immediate use. Additional interfaces exist for Java
and Python; although these will not be detailed here, the general
concepts are still applicable.

Examples will access earthquake information (via the ws-event service)
and timeseries data (via the ws-bulkdataselect & ws-station services).

To learn more about any of these clients see

Usage details for the command line Fetch scripts can be found here:

Usage details, tutorials and documentation for the irisFetch.m MATLAB
interface can be found here:

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