2013-04-09 15:26:05
The next IRIS webinar, sponsored by its Early Career working group, will
present "Five things you can do right now to make your presentations a
little bit better" on Wednesday April 10th from 3-4 pm ET (7-8 pm UTC).
Register to attend: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/608603922. You
will be emailed a confirmation containing a link for accessing the
webinar. The presentation and subsequent interactions between the
speaker, host, and audience are recorded and made available within a few
days. Access to the webinar archive, along with related materials and
more information on the series is found here:
Presenter: Professor Scott St. George, University of Minnesota
Summary: The ability to deliver effective and engaging oral
presentations is a critical skill for scientists in all disciplines.
Unfortunately, despite the importance of clear communication, too many
presentations at conferences and workshops are confusing, abstract and
boring. In this seminar, Scott St. George (University of Minnesota) and
Andy Frassetto (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) will
share a few tips that could make your professional presentations just a
little bit better. In less than 30 minutes, Scott and Andy will talk
strategies for presentation planning, discuss the differences between a
good and bad visual aid, and point you towards a set of outstanding
online resources. Become a presentation superstar!
You may contact Andy Frassetto (andyf<at>iris.edu) with any inquiries.
System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, 8, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer
present "Five things you can do right now to make your presentations a
little bit better" on Wednesday April 10th from 3-4 pm ET (7-8 pm UTC).
Register to attend: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/608603922. You
will be emailed a confirmation containing a link for accessing the
webinar. The presentation and subsequent interactions between the
speaker, host, and audience are recorded and made available within a few
days. Access to the webinar archive, along with related materials and
more information on the series is found here:
Presenter: Professor Scott St. George, University of Minnesota
Summary: The ability to deliver effective and engaging oral
presentations is a critical skill for scientists in all disciplines.
Unfortunately, despite the importance of clear communication, too many
presentations at conferences and workshops are confusing, abstract and
boring. In this seminar, Scott St. George (University of Minnesota) and
Andy Frassetto (Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology) will
share a few tips that could make your professional presentations just a
little bit better. In less than 30 minutes, Scott and Andy will talk
strategies for presentation planning, discuss the differences between a
good and bad visual aid, and point you towards a set of outstanding
online resources. Become a presentation superstar!
You may contact Andy Frassetto (andyf<at>iris.edu) with any inquiries.
System Requirements
PC-based attendees
Required: Windows® 7, 8, Vista, XP or 2003 Server
Macintosh®-based attendees
Required: Mac OS® X 10.5 or newer