-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [iris-bulk] Seismic Analyst position
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 08:21:24 -0800
From: IRIS Webmaster <webmaster<at>iris.washington.edu>
To: bulkmail<at>iris.washington.edu
Forwarded on behalf of:
Taimi Mulder
Geological Survey of Canada, NRCan
Organization Name: Department of Natural Resources - Earth Science Sector, Atlantic and Western Canada Branch -Geological Survey of Canada
Locations: Ottawa (Ontario) , National Capital Region - Other locations (Ontario)
Classification: PC - 02
Salary: $65,551 to $78,522
Closing Date: November 25, 2013 - 23:59, Pacific Time Useful Information
Reference Number: RSN13J-013765-000003
Selection Process Number: 2013-RSN-EA-1032-157689
Vacancies: 2
Employment Tenure: Specified Period, Indeterminate
You must ensure that you select at least one employment type when submitting your application: Employment Tenure
Web site: For further information on the department, please visit Department of Natural Resources
The Canadian Hazards Information Service (CHIS) is responsible for reporting on earthquakes within Canada. Under the direction of the Head of the Canadian Hazards Information Service, and in coordination with staff seismologists: undertakes the systematic evaluation, synthesis, and interpretation of earthquake parameters for the Canadian Earthquake catalogue; administers, coordinates and ensures quality control of input to the Catalogue; develops, organizes, plans and maintains a computer database of earthquake parameters; prepares and produces maps and graphics, bulletins, earthquake catalogues, reports, and datasets for research papers and external clients; responds to public, media, and industry enquiries concerning earthquakes and earthquake hazard; does media interviews, give public talks, responses to web and email inquiries, and conducts tours of GSC facilities; provides technical input and recommendations on the nature of earthquake activity and results of research t!
o management, Crown agencies, consulting engineers and commercial companies; undertakes field studies for the collection of raw data and analytical studies on earthquakes and aftershock sequences in urban, rural and wilderness environments;. May present papers at national and international scientific conferences. The work requires the ability to work independently while collaborating with colleagues and staff in the seismicity group (analysts, station technicians, IT staff, scientists) to produce and evaluate content for a high quality seismic catalogue.
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