Thread: Future Seismic & Geodetic Facility Needs Workshop: Sign up for Workshop Webinars; Submit White Papers by April 15th

Started: 2015-04-01 17:24:42
Last activity: 2015-04-01 17:24:42
Topics: Early Careers
*Sent on behalf of the Workshop Organizing Committee:*
Webinars and White Papers for the Workshop on *
*Future Seismic and Geodetic Facility Needs in the Geosciences*

On May 3-6, 2015, the *Workshop on Future Seismic and Geodetic Facility
Needs in the Geosciences *will be held to gather community input for NSF
on the key scientific questions and emerging areas of research the
geosciences community will be pursuing in 2018 and beyond, and the
seismic and geodetic facility capabilities that will be required to
support this research. A report will be drafted to summarize community
priorities and recommendations, led by co-editors Rick Aster and Mark
Simons. To enable all community members to contribute to this process, a
series of webinars will be held in advance of the workshop and
submission of white papers is encouraged. Broad participation in the
webinars and white papers is particularly critical because workshop
attendance is limited to 120 people. Additional information about the
workshop, and the meeting agenda, can be found at the following link:

We encourage all members of the community related to the SAGE and GAGE
facilities to submit *white papers* in order to have the broadest
possible contribution to the workshop and report. These 1-2 page white
papers should describe important scientific questions or problems that
individuals and/or groups will be working on in the next decade and the
seismic and/or geodetic facilities capabilities needed to support that
science. The whitepapers will be available publicly, to breakout groups
at the workshop and incorporated into the final workshop report.
Everyone is encouraged to submit whitepapers, regardless of whether you
plan to attend the workshop or not. A web form to submit whitepapers is
available on the workshop website under the “Whitepaper” tab. (Please
note format and word limits.) You can also view whitepaper submissions
on that same tab.
*The deadline for whitepaper submissions is April 15, 2015.*

The workshop organizers are also planning on holding four
*webinars* prior to the workshop to provide another forum for input to
the workshop. Webinars will open with brief presentations, but a
significant fraction of each hour will be devoted to structured
discussion among participants. Participants are encouraged to review
prior strategic planning reports (e.g. the Seismology and Geodesy Grand
Challenge documents, the New Research Opportunities in Earth Sciences
NRC Report, and the EarthScope Science Plan). Reports may be found on
the workshop website (box on right).

*Webinar: Supporting Broader Educational Impacts*
*Wednesday, April 8th, 5-6 pm EDT/2-3 pm PDT*
*Leader: Dr. Cathryn Manduca, Carleton College*
Participants in this webinar will synthesize the guidance from recent
education reports that bears on the ability of the SAGE/GAGE facilities
to strengthen broader educational impacts. We will discuss key ideas
from reports such as Engage to Excel (PCAST report), the Next Generation
Science Standards, STEM Learning is Everywhere, and Expanding
Underrepresented Minority Participation as well as reports and guiding
documents from Earthscope, IRIS and UNAVCO relating to their education
and outreach activities. What do we learn from recent education reports
that should shape our thinking about the facilities? Are there other
emerging ideas that should be guiding our thinking about the ability of
the facilities to support broader impacts? Michael Wysession and Dave
Mogk will provide opening overviews and perspectives followed by group
discussion and synthesis.

*Webinar: Evolving landscapes and global environmental change*
*Thursday, April 9th, 2:30-3:30 pm EDT/11:30-12:30 pm PDT*
*Leader: Dr. Sridhar Anandakrishnan, Pennsylvania State University*
Participants in this webinar will discuss and summarize recent "grand
challenge documents" such as the Earthscope Science Plan and the
Seismological and Geodetic Grand Challenges document in the context of
these themes and processes. Geophysical instruments - in particular the
dense and growing networks of geodetic and seismological instruments -
can be invaluable in measuring environmental change (water, land, ice,
and air movements and change; vegetation; human impacts).

*Webinar: Time-variant behavior of faults and magmatic systems and
related hazards*
*Monday, April 13th, 1-2 pm EDT/10-11 am PDT*
*Leader: Dr. Zhigang Peng, Georgia Institute of Technology*
This webinar will focus on defining 1) key science questions related to
faulting processes and magmatic systems and their related hazards and 2)
the facilities (seismological, geodetic, magnetotelluric and infrasound)
that are needed to address make progress in these areas.

*Webinar: Earth structure, rheology and geodynamics*
*Tuesday, April 14th, 3-4 pm EDT/12-1 pm PDT*
*Leader: Dr. Maureen Long, Yale University*
This webinar will explore frontiers in understanding Earth structure,
rheology and geodynamical processes and link these research questions to
priorities for future seismological, geodetic and MT facilities.

*You must register to attend a webinar.* Registration links are
available in this email and on workshop website under the “Webinar” tab.
Webinars will open 15 minutes before the scheduled start time, please
consult Andy Frassetto (andyf<at> if you have any additional

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