Thread: AGU Town Hall - Future of Tectonics Report - Thurs 12/15, 12:30-1:30 pm, Moscone West 2011

Started: 2016-12-09 02:39:44
Last activity: 2016-12-09 02:39:44
Topics: AGU Meetings
Dear Colleagues,

Please join us for a town hall at AGU to learn about and participate in a community effort to draft a report on “Future Directions in Tectonics”. All members and fans of the tectonics community, broadly defined, are welcome.

The town hall is on Thursday December 15 in Moscone West 2011, 12:30-1:30 pm. Please join for as much of it as you can.

The goal of the town hall is to share the status, timeline, process, and goals of a community-wide effort to draft a report that will describe research opportunities and needs in the broad field of Tectonics. The report, which will be completed by May in 2017, will communicate the goals, needs, and relevance of Tectonics research to funding agencies, colleagues, and non-specialist audiences. It’s overarching goal will be to benefit the entire community while avoiding being prescriptive of any particular branch of Tectonics. To do this it will: (1) identify some key challenges and opportunities for significant advances in this broad field; (2) define and prioritize the resources, technologies, partnerships, and infrastructure our community needs to make scientific progress; and (3) develop a vision to build and strengthen our community, including finding new ways to maximize the educational and societal benefits of our work and to communicate and enhance our impact.

The AGU town hall is one of several public forums and opportunities that will continue the conversation over the next few months (another Town Hall was held at GSA in September, followed by an online survey). After a summary of the process and our progress to date we will ask you to participate in a focused group activity designed to gather input on what is needed to advance our community's intellectual, educational and societal goals.

Please be part of this effort to advocate for our community!

You are invited to learn more and view an early draft framework for the report on our website: https://sgtfuturedirections.wordpress.com

You can also join our Listserv through the website.

Similar to GSA, following AGU we will be posting the Town Hall materials on the website, and will also follow up with an online survey advertised via email, the website and the Listserv.


Writing co-chairs Kate Huntington (U of Washington) and Keith Klepeis (U of Vermont)

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