Thread: DMC connection issues

Started: 2017-02-17 17:47:20
Last activity: 2017-02-17 23:01:11
Topics: Web Services
Robert Weekly
2017-02-17 17:47:20
Hello web service users,

Currently the DMC is experiencing significant widespread network problems that are causing long delays for request processing. We are working diligently to restore our services and products and hope that the problem will be alleviated shortly. Apologies for any interruptions to your workflows that this is causing, we appreciate your patience.

A follow-up email will be sent to the list serve when the issues have been resolved.

Thank you,

Robert Weekly
Quality and Deployment System Engineer
[e] rtweekly<at>

  • Robert Weekly
    2017-02-17 23:01:11
    Hello web service users,

    This issue has now been resolved and all services have been fully restored.

    Thanks again for your patience.

    Robert Weekly
    Quality and Deployment System Engineer
    [e] rtweekly<at>

    On Feb 17, 2017, at 9:48 AM, Robert Weekly <rtweekly<at>> wrote:

    Hello web service users,

    Currently the DMC is experiencing significant widespread network problems that are causing long delays for request processing. We are working diligently to restore our services and products and hope that the problem will be alleviated shortly. Apologies for any interruptions to your workflows that this is causing, we appreciate your patience.

    A follow-up email will be sent to the list serve when the issues have been resolved.

    Thank you,

    Robert Weekly
    Quality and Deployment System Engineer
    [e] rtweekly<at>

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