Thread: Welcome to the Webinars Announcement list

Started: 2017-05-04 22:23:14
Last activity: 2017-05-04 22:23:14
Topics: Webinars
IRIS Webmaster
2017-05-04 22:23:14

You are most likely receiving this message because you are subscribed to the IRIS General Announcements list.

One relatively common type of posting to this list has been announcements about upcoming webinars. In order to allow you to better manage the messages you receive, we have created a new list for these announcements.

(This new list also replaces an earlier IRIS Webinars list, which was more narrow and a bit ambiguous in its focus. This new list will be for webinars by both IRIS and the larger seismological community.)

If you do nothing, you will receive message for both the IRIS General Announcement list and the new Webinars list. (In other words, you will receive exactly the same messages that you do now.) But since these lists are now separate, you can unsubscribe from one or the other if you do not want to receive (or want to receive exclusively) webinar announcements.

You can unsubscribe by logging into the IRIS site and modifying your subscriptions at
or by sending email to
webinars-unsubscribe<at> <webinars-unsubscribe<at>> (to unsubscribe from the Webinars list) or
iris-announce-unsubscribe<at> (to unsubscribe from the IRIS General Announcements list)
(The subject line and contents of these emails are ignored -- you can just leave them blank -- but they must come from the email address you are subscribed under.)

Please send feedback or report any problems to webmaster<at>

The IRIS web team

18:48:04 v.af9cd46b